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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I gazed up at Wendy, speechless. I stopped struggling and thought over the words she had just spoken....she called me a monster. I...I don't want me to be considered a monster...because I'm not.
"I'm sorry." Was all I could manage to say. Wendy released my legs and Dipper and Mabel let go of my arms.
"Let's just go." Dipper said, as he started walking down this seemingly endless tunnel. Mabel followed close behind and Wendy took the lead. I slowly stood up, and dusted myself off. My breathing was still sharp and quick from my little battle but no one seemed to care. Why should they care? I messed everything up. Like I always do. Great job.
We all walked for about a half an hour before things began to get strange. Spots of the floor fell away into pools of crystal clear water. Water that glowed. The walls became a beautiful silver color, then the tunnel narrowed out. It was a very strange thing indeed. I marveled at the beauty of the shimmering cavern and nearly fell into a pool of the sparkling water. But my awe for this is amazing cave would soon turn to pain. My breathing was not back to normal, and if anything getting a lot worse. I gasped and gulped for air, a searing pain running through out my human lungs. Suddenly I felt very light headed. My legs began to feel very weak. I groaned as pain spread throughout my body, engulfing me in a horrible deathly sensation. Then my legs gave way, and I collapsed to the floor.
But no one noticed. Wendy and the others were to far ahead to have seen what happened. Hopefully they would realize that I wasn't there, and try to find me. I tried to call out to them, but my voice was weak.
"H-h-help..." I muttered. But to no avail. I was on my own.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I walked behind Wendy, thankful for the silence of the cave. This gave me time to think. To ponder. I kind of do regret setting Bill off. I mean, I could see the pain in his eyes when Wendy called him a monster...maybe I should apologize. Yeah. I will. I stopped and turned around, expecting to see Bill slowly trudging behind us. But he wasn't.
"Uh Wendy." I said, slightly scared. "We managed to lose Bill." Wendy rushed over to me.
"What?! Where is he?" With a groan I realized that something bad must have happened.
"Let's go back and look for him." Mabel suggested.
"Yeah ok." I muttered. I reluctantly followed behind Wendy and Mabel. Again, we were off to rescue Bill.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~
I grimaced in pain as I tried to stand up. I didn't know what to do. The coughing and sharp breathing had stopped but it still hurt when I tried to stand. It had been probably a half hour since I last seen Pine Tree, Shooting Star and Wendy, and I was getting a bit worried. I finally managed to fully stand, clinging onto the wall. I slowly began my way back down the passage way. Hopefully the others noticed I wasn't there and turned around. Hopefully. I walked on in the silence, wincing each time my foot touched the ground. As soon as any weight was but on it, my leg would often falter, causing me to nearly fall. It was great. (Note the sarcasm.) Suddenly I heard a voice.
"Guys I see him!" The happy voice of Shooting Star echoed through the cavern. Mabel raced around a curve in the tunnel and over to me.
"Bill!" She squealed pulling me into a hug. I awkwardly blushed.
"Hey Shooting Star." Mabel let go of me.
"I'm so glad we found you!" She happily bounced around, as I gripped the wall again for support.
"Bill, we also found something else." Dipper said, coming up behind Mabel. He held up a small bottle with a white substance in it. A picture was on the bottle. A picture of me in my triangle form.
And my eye was crossed out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finally the story progresses onward! Yay! Stuff happens. Ok enough fooling around. Things get crazy real next chapter. It will be awesome....I think. Yeah. It probably will be. So leave a comment please. I love comments. Leave one. For me to read. Or else I'll kill you. Jk but I might. Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYYEEEEEE!!!!

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