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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everyone gasped in awe at the person that now stood before was Bill but he looked like a 12 year old!
"Well this is fucking great." Bill growled looking down at his body. "I'm a teenager." Mabel giggled.
"Oh my gosh Bill! Now you're the same age as us!" Mabel walked up to Bill and inspected his new form. He had the same messy blonde hair, but instead of just wearing an eyepatch he wore his hair over one eye. Although I could still see the eyepatch underneath. He also had a yellow vest on with a white shirt on underneath, and instead of black pants he wore white ones, with dress shoes. To top it all off, he still had his hat floating above his head, but it was much smaller.
"Bill, are you hurt?" Mabel asked, poking at Bill's chest. "because you were just impaled by a crystal." Bill shook his head.
"I think that the wound somehow healed when it transformed me into a teen."
"We've got to change you back!" Wendy suddenly said. I raised an eyebrow at her.
"Why?" I asked. Was Wendy crushing on Bill?
"Well, I feel kinda lonely being the oldest one..." She replied, looking down at her feet.
"I don't think that's a good idea." Bill said, glancing around at the crystals. "Each one might do a different thing and we don't want one turning me into a baby."
"Haha baby Bill!" Laughed Mabel. "That would be so cute!" Bill glared at her. Then his frown turned into a smirk.
"Are you saying I'm not cute now?" He cleverly asked Mabel. Mabel blushed.
"N-no I'm just saying you would be cuter as a baby."
"Aha! So you do admit you think I'm handsome." Mabel gave me a pleading look. She obviously didn't know how to respond to Bill.
"Stop manipulating my sister, and let's go." I growled to Bill. He smirked a Mabel, then as I began walking back through the cave, he followed.
The four of us walked through the cave in complete silence. The only sound to be heard was our footsteps, echoing through the air. And the sound of Bill tripping over almost every rock.
"Fuck." Bill whispered under his breath, tripping for probably the tenth time. I glared at him, and fell back, walking next to him.
"Could you stop swearing?" I hissed into his ear. "Mabel doesn't need to hear that." Bill smirked at me.
"Overprotective brother eh?" I glared at him, then nodded my head. Bill's smirk broke into a smile.
"Fine." He said, staring ahead. I stared ahead again, as well and we continued on in silence. Suddenly there was a loud sound from the roof of the cave. Rocks began falling down and dust crumbled around us.
"The roof is collapsing!" Wendy yelled in horror. Wendy and Mabel both darted towards the opposite wall, with Waddles close behind. Bill and I fell back into the wall we were closest to, just as a section of the cavern collapsed, separating us from the girls and Waddles. Bill and I coughed as dust flew from the rocks. As the dust began to settle and stopped stinging our eyes and clogging our throats I called out.
"Mabel! Wendy!" There was no reply.
"Shooting Star! Wendy!" Yelled Bill, a panicked look on his face.
"Mabel!" No reply.
"Wendy." No reply.
"Shooting Star!" No reply.
"Wendy!" No reply. Bill and I exchanged worried glances.
"Waddles!" I called In desperation. There was no reply. Had they been crushed by the rocks?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cliffhangers! Haha! Anyway, excuse the swearing that's how I imagine teenager Bill would talk...yeah. Aww but teen Bill is so cute I want to hug him!!!!! I'll try to get the next chapter out soon! And I was thinking....this book is about halfway what do you guys want after this? Gravity Falls related I mean. Do you want another adventure with Bill? Or maybe a Dipper x reader? Leave your ideas in the comments! Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYYYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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