Probably One of The Most Awkward Chapters

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I looked on in fear as Bill's single eye closed. Was he dead? Wendy sat back a let out a sigh of relief. She turned back to look at Mabel and I.
"He will be fine." She said. Now it was my turn to sigh in relief.
"W-what was that?" Mabel asked fearfully. I looked over to see her shaking.
"I'm not actually sure..." Wendy started, furrowing her brow. "I just knew that if I regulated his breathing, I might be able to stop the other...effects. I think it was because there was something messes up with his lungs. While Dipper walked with Bill, you guys must have walked a little to quickly, working that damaged body part to much and it caused him to collapse with fatigue. And fatigue lead to nausea." She explained. I nodded. This was very logical and very likely.
"So what now?" Mabel asked, giving Wendy and expectant look.
"Well...we've been in this cave for a while. Night will come soon. And it will become freezing in here. We have two choices. Stay here and let Bill heal a bit more, and tough it out through the night. Or I could carry him and we continue on." Wendy said.
"Do you think you could carry him?" I asked, staring at Bill's sleeping body.
"Yeah. He's smaller than me and very thin. I suppose I could carry him pretty easily." She put her arm under his head and legs, and gently picked him up, cradling him against her body.
"Wow he is light." She said looking slightly surprised. "I'm sure even you could carry him." She glanced at me, humor dancing in her eyes. She began to walk down the tunnel we were in. Mabel and I stood up and followed behind her.
"I hope this is the right tunnel." I whispered to Mabel. She nodded nervously. We walked through the dark cave and it became apparent that night was falling. Fast. The caves temperature dropped from 70 degrees to 30 in a matter of minutes. Finally, Wendy stopped and sat on the ground.
"I-it's t-to cold to c-carry on." She said, her teeth chattering. Mabel nodded briskly, and sat down next to Wendy. I envied Mabel's sweater, that must be very warm. I sat down next to Wendy, and pulled my arms into my vest, hoping to preserve body heat. We sat in silence, our breath coming out in puffs in the cold air. Then suddenly a sound broke the silence. Bill sat up from where he lay in Wendy's lap, and glanced around, a confused look on his face.
"Wh-where am I?" He asked, shivering. Wendy looked down at him.
"You are still in the cave." She whispered. A look of recognition passed through Bill's face.
"Oh right." He looked down to where he was sitting, on Wendy's lap, and he blushed. He quickly stood up from Wendy's lap and awkwardly looked at her.
"S-sorry." He stammered, obviously embarrassed. Wendy smiled.
"It's fine. I'm the one who set you there..." She moved over, closer to Mabel and patted the now open space in between me and her. "Sit." Bill gingerly sat down in between the two of us. I looked jealously at Bill's attire. He wore a long sleeved shirt and a vest. He must be so warm in that. I cursed under my breath for not thinking of bringing any supplies. I shivered violently. Bill gave me a guilty look, seeing that I was freezing. He silently slipped his vest off and handed it to me. I gave him a grateful look, an wrapped the long vest around me, as if it were a blanket. I snuggled into the clothing relishing the warmth it had collected from Bill's body. Wait. Did I just think that. I made a disgusted face at the thought.
The four of us sat in silence for a little bit, until Mabel decided to speak.
"Guys I'm hungry." She moaned, hugging Waddles close to her.
"Sorry to bum you out but we don't have any food." Wendy said, pressing her head against the wall.
"Are we just going to sleep here?" I asked Wendy, stretching my legs out, glaring at my shorts.
"We don't really have a choice." She replied. With a sigh, Bill leaned into Wendy curling up against her. Mabel did the same to Wendy, and she wrapped her arms around the two. I glared at Bill. He was taking my Wendy. I shivered and pulled Bill's coat over my head. I wished I had someone to curl up against. To keep me warm. I looked over at Bill. Oh heck no. I'd rather freeze to death, then curl up to him. But then again what dignity did I have to protect. With a sigh, I scooted closer to Bill. I awkwardly laid my head on his shoulder. (Hehe BillDip) He flinched, but didn't object.
"Good night Wendy." Mabel whispered. "Good night Bro-Bro." She stayed quiet for a few seconds then whispered:
"Good night Bill."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hehe. That was very awkward....BillDip happened. Well a bit of it. And Bendy. That happened to. Poor Bill. Keeps getting shipped with peeps. Yep. So...even though I don't ship BillDip you will be getting quite a bit of that in the next couple yeah. Deal wit it. So....remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE

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