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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I glared into the beady eyes of...a pig? What was this! Dipper began to laugh.
"Waddles?!" He asked with a snicker. "What are you doing here?" The creature began to lick my nose.
"Ow!" I yelped as I felt a tickling sensation. "Get off me, beast." I growled, pushing the pig off of me.
"You were attacked by Waddles!" Pine Tree laughed.
"That's one ugly pig." I hissed, dusting myself off.
"Your just mad a little pink creature knocked you over." Dipper chuckled, adjusting his hat.
"Whatever." I groaned. "Shooting Star and Wendy are looking for you. Come on, let's go." Dipper, still laughing followed behind. I broke into a jog, and Dipper had to sprint to keep up. We reached the river in minutes.
"Oh my gosh we were so worried about you!" Yelled Mabel, as soon as she spotted us. She ran past me, and hugged Dipper. Then she noticed Waddles, who had followed us back to the river. "WADDLES!!!!!" She screamed, throwing herself at the pig.
"Waddles attacked Bill." Dipper snickered.
"Shut up." I growled, turning away from Dipper.
"Come on!" Wendy yelled from the river bank. "We have places to be." I nodded to her, and we continued along the path again.
"The Sazar den is to the right of the path, correct?" I asked Pine Tree.
"Yeah." He replied, scanning the bushes that lined the side of the path.
"What does a Sazar den even look like?" Mabel asked, kicking her feet into the dusty ground. Dipper flipped his journal back open.
"It says the the entrance to a Sazar den looks like a hole in the ground, and they are not usually well hidden. Inside the Sazar den is a large cavern with age altering crystals on the wall." He read.
"Age altering crystals?" Mabel echoed. "That doesn't sound good."
"As long as we don't mess with them, we should be fine." I replied. We continued walking, and everyone kept a carful eye on the side of the path, searching for the hole. Suddenly something caught my eye. A small hole parted the ground below a bush with pretty turquoise leaves.
"Is that it?" I asked pointing to the hole. Dipper nodded.
"It might be. But it's really small. Will you and Wendy be able to fit?"
"I'm sure we will!" Wendy responded cheerfully.
"Ok then let's go." Mabel said, walking to the hole.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sorry for not updating in forever. I'm going to update a bunch today. PLEASE DONT HURT MEH!!! So obviously something is going to go wrong. Probably. Maybe. I dunno. So how are you liking this story? It's pretty ok. I think. How's your day been? Good? Ok whatever let me go work on the next chapter. Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEE!!!!!

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