Save Him...

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Mabel! Wendy! Waddles!" I yelled in joy.
"Dipper! Bill!" Mabel yelled coming up to us. She ran up to me, and I wrapped my arms around her, pushing Bill off balance. He fell to the ground, and Wendy came over and helped him up.
"Thanks." He mumbled to her. I let Bill wrap his arm back around my shoulder, and balance himself again.
"What happened to you?" Mabel asked looking at Bill.
"Uh...long story." He replied in a weary tone.
"We've got time." Mabel sighed, looking around the cave. I gave Bill a pleading look. Would he tell Mabel what happened? He caught my eye and nodded, signaling that he understood.
"It doesn't matter." Bill said, avoiding Mabel's glance. "Let's just continue on." Mabel nodded and we continued back through the cavern. We walked in silence, other then Bill's gasping, until we came to a fork in the cavern.
"Ugh more tunnels!" Mabel groaned. "Why do you gotta be so complex cave!?"
"Let's go two separate ways." Wendy suggested. "Well Dipper and Mabel, you guys can go down the right tunnel and Bill and I could go down the left."
"That's not I good idea." I replied. I could see a look of hurt in Wendy's eyes. "Er- I mean I don't want to be separated again from you guys..."
"I think this is our best choice." Bill spoke up, his voice still weak. I glared at him.
"Whatever." I muttered. "Then I will take Bill since I..." My voice trailed off. Mabel and Wendy looked at me expectantly. "Look, it was kind of my fault that Bill got hurt, so I'll take him down the tunnel since now he's kind of my duty." Mabel giggled.
"You said duty..." I pulled Mabel into another hug, and said goodbye.
"Be safe." I looked Mabel straight in the eyes. "Meet us back here in an hour." With a nod, Wendy and Mabel took off down the left cave and Bill and I started the right. We walked in silence through the long dark cavern, only small shafts of light poking through the ceiling. The sound of our footsteps and Bill's ragged breathing where the only things that occupied my ears.
We had only been walking for a few minutes, when Bill began to stumble and falter. His breath was sharp and uneven.
"Bill are you ok?" I asked, stopping. He shook his head, and knelt down, leaning back against the cave wall.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Agonizing pain sliced through my throat. It burned throughout my lungs and nose. This pain was unlike any other I had experienced...I began to feel dizzy and a wave of nausea spread over me. I leaned back against the cavern wall, clenching my teeth together. Pine Tree look at me, worry showing in his eyes.
"Bill?" He asked, his voice sounding far away. I gave him a worried look, and he obviously seen the terror in my eyes, because he began to look frightened.
"Bill what's happening?"
"I-I don't kn-kn-kn-know." I gasped out. I felt another wave of nausea wash over me, and I doubled over in pain, and began dry heaving. Dipper backed away from me, and as he did so another wave of dizzying pain spread throughout my chest. Little black dots swam before my eyes, blurring my vision.
"H-he-help." I gasped to Dipper, then collapsed forward, gasping and coughing.
"Do you want me to get Wendy and Mabel?" Dipper asked, fear sparking in his voice.
"D-don-don't l-l-leave me." I gasped out, as I began to cough again.
"Maybe Wendy will know what to do." Dipper said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll be quick I promise." With that, he raced off down the tunnel, through the way we came. I watched through my blurry vision, as he left me. I lay on the cold, hard ground coughing and spluttering. I began dry heaving again, and my body began to convulse violently. I was scared. I was in pain. I was dying. Tears began streaming from my face. Not because I was of the unbearable pain...the coughing...the convulsions....the dry was all to much. I couldn't take it. I glanced around the cavern from where I lay on the floor, looking for something sharp. Anything. Just something I could end my life with. Something to end the suffering. Just as I spotted a pointed stone that lay near my head, I heard footsteps. Wendy came racing from the darkness of the tunnel, Mabel and Dipper in pursuit.
"Bill!" Wendy yelled in horror. I gave her a glance as my body convulsed again, and I began spastically squirming around. Wendy knelt down next to me. I had no clue what she would do. But I hoped she knew. Wendy gently pushed me out of the fetal position I lay in, and onto my back. She stretched out my legs away from where they curled up next to my stomach, and into a straight line. She laid me flat out on the ground. To my surprise my breathing became slightly easier and the pain flowing through my chest seemed to fade a bit. Just then, my body convulsed again, and I let out a distressed yelp. Wendy gave me a surprisingly calm look, as she pushed my body back into position. Within a minute the coughing faded away, and the convulsions stopped. But then yet another wave of nausea washed over me. I began dry heaving more violently than ever, and blood began dripping from my mouth, coming from my throat.
Mabel let out a distressed wail, at the sight of blood. "Wendy you will save him right?" She asked. Wendy gave a nod, her focus still on me. She waited for the heaving to stop, then she began rubbing my arm in a soothing manner. She looked me in the eye, and whispered into my ear: "Its going to be alright. I promise. I will take you out of your suffering." And I knew she wasn't lying. She would care for me...she wouldn't let me die. Then tiredness began washing throughout my body, draining away the last of my strength. I closed my eye.
And became unconscious.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All in favor for changing Bill's name to 'Bad Luck Bill' say I! That chapter was very interesting eh? And for those of you who ship Bill x Wendy there you go! Boom. I love writing this book. I really do. And I'm going to go work on the next remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, Bye!

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