Chapter :27 An Original Hybrid

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Beca sat there in silence as Jesse was making Chloe and himself breakfast. She watched them talk and laugh once and awhile, as she eyed Chloe the most. Beca could hear her heartbeat speed up every time Chloe's eyes locked on hers, which made her smile in affection towards the red head. When she was around Chloe she didn't feel the urge to rip her skin off of herself like she did after the first change. Her body felt numb to the burning sensations once she felt the need for Chloe's body. It was like her needs were insatiable more than ever now. Her senses felt like they were multiplied a thousand times over and she felt like she couldn't control herself when she was alone. She knew Jesse and Chloe would take shifts on watching her and now she felt like she was a burden. Beca sighed as Chloe looked at her immediately with worried eyes. Beca did nothing but smile at her softly, appeasing Chloe's worry in a flash as she got up from the table and landed a soft kiss on Beca's lips. "Ok I have to go to work now, I'll see you in a couple of hours okay? Love you." Beca nodded as she told Chloe she loved her back as Jesse sat down across from the dark haired brunette. "You okay Becs?" Beca nodded at him as he smiled back at her. "Alright just checking in, I'm gonna do the dishes." Beca sat there quietly just watching Jesse until she heard a knock at the door. Beca and Jesse eyed the door curiously until Jesse ran towards the door to open it. "Hell-!" Beca turned around as she saw Jesse get thrown across the room behind her. Beca used her speed as her eyes began to glow as she growled menacingly, making sure Jesse was protected behind her. She knew it was Zara as she smelled her scent instantly. "When are you gonna learn that you're mine Mitchell?" Jake was there behind her with a blank face as Beca looked at him with betrayal. "I'm not yours Zara, I will never be yours! You being here will put you right back in the ground, along with my creation as well. I don't want that, nor do you. So just leave me alone, or I will rip your heart out myself." Beca ended with an animalistic growl from her lips as Zara had an evil  smirk on hers. "You owe me Beca, I saved you from Luke and your creation is basically my lap dog. He left you when you needed him the most and I'm just making him pay the price for it." Beca growled loudly as she bared her Sharp teeth at the vampire princess. "I'm glad he did I wasn't a very good person back then and I'm not sure I am even now. He had every right to leave and I don't hold nothing against my son. Leave Jake out of this Zara, I mean it." Zara scoffed as she walked closer to Beca slowly. "A worthless human came between our love in the past and now another one comes between us now. When will you realize Beca you will never have a normal life. Look at you! You can barely stand being next to her without wanting to tear the flesh off of her bones, just admit it. You're dangerous for her Beca, but not to me. I can control you, I can help you." Beca can't believe she's even considering getting help from Zara, but on the bright side if mother catches her helping her she will go straight back into the ground. It's a win win either way. "You want to help me? How about starting at not hurting my friends, my creation, or my human ever again." Zara scoffed as she looked at the pathetic werewolf below Beca's feet who was starting to catch his bearings as she looked back up into Beca's glowing eyes. "I've never touched your precious human, but as of the other requests I will abide by them. Jake will give you the information you need and I'll see you soon my prince." Zara blew Beca an air kiss as she cringed and all what was left was Jake. Beca didn't know if she felt relief at seeing him again or guilt of what she was put him through. Jake smiled at her nonetheless as he helped Jesse to his feet. "I'm glad we get to see each other again and thanks for sticking up to her. In all my years I've never imagined you doing so. I'm sorry about our intrusion and how things went. I've missed you." Beca smiled at him as she helped him set Jesse down on the couch who was holding his head in mild pain. "I've missed you too my son. I'm so so-" Jake stopped her as he did nothing but pull her into a big tight hug. "I don't need to hear those words from you. I forgave you a long time ago, believe it or not I did keep tabs on you. You were getting better and better each and every day. I guess I have Jesse and Chloe to thank for that." He smiled at Jesse as he blushed a bit at the young vampire. Beca chuckled as she tried to calm down, turning her eyes back to normal. Somehow with Jake at her side she felt more calm and in control than she usually did. It makes sense since he was her emotional support when she had him in her life. "So what is the princess planning?" Beca asked him curiously as she checked Jesse's healing wound on his forehead. Jake sighed heavily as he sat down next to the brunette werewolf. "Of course it's the same one as always I'm afraid. Zara wanting you all to herself no matter the consequences she faces with mother. She would happily be buried in the ground with you with her this time though. I don't think you want that to happen either. I'm here to aid you of course not her." Beca smiled at him genuinely as he smiled back at her. "So you've been with her all these years?" He nodded with a saddened look on his face. "I've been with mother and the council. Once Zara's punishment was over and they've decided you helped her enough, I was sent here to look after her in a sense. I'm glad we get to meet again. I've been waiting for this moment, to see how you've changed. Might I add the human you've chosen to spend eternity with is a special one." Beca smiled as she nodded thinking about Chloe and her bright blue eyes she couldn't quite get out of her mind. "I would love to spend eternity with her, but I don't want to turn her." Jake looked at her in confusion as he arched his eyebrow up. "You don't want to turn her? Why not? I thought she would make a fine vampire. Once she learns everything from you that is." Beca sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck in worry. "Jake I don't want her to be like me. I want her to live her life to the fullest and if that means only living for a certain time frame then so be it. Anyways, we've never had that talk before. What if she doesn't want to be turned by me? I mean I'm not even sure I could anymore. Turn someone that is." Jake chuckled as he smiled at her knowingly. "Well Luke was turning hybrids left and right with your blood. Also, Zara has mentioned your bite would be fatal to them but not to humans. I'm sure one little bite would turn her into-" Beca huffed as she crossed her arms against her chest in defiance. "Into me? A lunatic animal who doesn't know how to control her desire for blood?! I'm sorry Jake but there is way I'm turning Chloe into what I am. I barely even know what I am." Jake pursed his lips as he stood up and straightened his shirt. "Then you should get help from Zara, if you want to know what you truly are. The princess has many methods to finding out facts about your kind. I have to go, she will wonder where I am. I shall see you soon?" Beca hesitated for a minute until she finally agreed. Jake smiled at her again as he told them both goodbye before he took his leave. "You're really gonna get help from that psychotic vampire princess? Beca what if-" Beca interrupted him as she sat next to him with another sigh. "What other choice do I have Jesse? I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm pretty sure if I stay here any longer I will end up tearing you or Chloe apart." Jesse stood up abruptly as he tried to stop Beca, but she already made up her mind. "I'm sorry Jesse, please tell Chloe I'm sorry too. I know you guys just got me back, but I can't risk your lives for mine. It's just not logical, I've lived mine for as long as I could. I love you guys."

Author's note: well I've ran out of ideas. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks for reading.

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