Chapter 5: Doubt

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Beca and Chloe joked and laughed all throughout the day. Beca doesn't even remember when the last time she's even laughed this much before in one day, especially with a human. Usually she stays far away from them as she can. She really doesn't want to slip up like she did last time. When was the last time she drunk from a human? It feels like centuries ago now...

"Beca how about we stop for a drink?" Luke said nodding towards a group of girls in front of him. Beca looked to where he suggested and saw two women in silk dresses. They were both on top of a roof, right across from the club that  the two women came out of. This is how they stalked their prey now. It was the twenty century so they really didn't want any attention on them. Although vampires were glamorized now, to humans they were just monsters out of movies. "I don't know Luke, we stayed in this town long enough. Don't you think the cops will get suspicious with the amounts of bodies they already found?" Beca asked him as they watched the women slowly walk to their car, laughing without a care in the world. Luke chuckled, "Becs, you do remember that we can compel anything with a brain cell at will right?" Beca huffed, "I just don't think this is a smart move anymore. All we do is feed and toss the bodies, and I'm pretty sure the council will take notice too." Luke laughed even louder, "the council! Beca when have you known me to abide by their simple rules? I'll be on the chair board within a century, so it won't be a big deal anyways." Luke said dusting off his shoulders. Beca rolled her eyes at his cockiness, "Be that as it may, I don't want to be on their shit list. You know what happened to the councilmen that went against them the last time." Beca shuddered, she could still hear their screams as they got buried alive, well alive as in they're conscious in a sense. Luke scoffed, "Listen Beca I'm the the best thing that has ever happened to that council. As soon as the last king dies I will be the next attendee, and I'm sure with you by my side we will be able to change everything for the better." Beca sighed, "you mean the better for you, don't you?" Luke sighed, "Better for the both of us Beca, you are my only sire. Of course I will think about you too, now while we were chatting our meals got away." He said pointing to the women leaving in a car. "I suggest we get our own meals for a change, I know how you love the thrill of the hunt." He said smiling at Beca deviously. Beca slightly smiled and nodded, they both jumped down the roof and headed towards the club. "Isn't this great Beca?" Luke yelled out as they pushed past the crowd to go to the bar. "We don't have to live in the shadows anymore. Humans think we don't exist, only in the movies but still we are free to do as we please." Luke said happily, watching woman pass by him with a smirk on his face. Beca snorted as she went up to the bar to order something, she saw a woman bartender come towards her finally. "Hi, can I get two whiskeys please?" The blonde headed woman licked her lips and nodded, while looking Beca up and down. "You can get anything you want sexy." Beca smirked at her, she looked into the woman's eyes and decided to compel her, "how about just get me what I ordered than go outside in the back and wait for me?"

" Beca smirked at her, she looked into the woman's eyes and decided to compel her, "how about just get me what I ordered than go outside in the back and wait for me?"

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The girl nodded somberly and made Beca's drinks then left the bar. The other bartender looked at her weirdly but continued to work his shift. Beca smiled and grabbed the drinks and looked around to see Luke sitting at a table, talking to a bunch of women. Beca made her way towards them and handed Luke his drink, "Here, Looks like you've got everything you need. I'll be outside if you need me." Beca whispered to him and he nodded. Beca left outside in the back alley and she smiled at what greeted her. The blonde bartender standing there completely still, with wide eyes. Beca slowly walked up to her, smiling deviously with intent. "Ah there you are, right where I left you." Beca stood in front of her now, she stared at the girl's pulse. It was pulsing quickly, probably because this girl is scared out of her mind. Beca could feel her teeth elongate in her mouth, her eyes turning black and her veins showing right beneath her eyes. "This is only gonna hurt for a bit, I promise." She was only gonna feed on this girl for a bit and compel her to leave. She's tired of killing innocent humans. Beca immediately clamped down the the girl's neck with her sharp teeth making the bartender scream out in pain. "Oh I see you've already started without me." Luke said coming out of the back door with a girl behind him. "What the fuck! Get off my sister you freak!" The girl behind Luke yelled at Beca trying to charge at her but Luke stopped her. "Nah uh Samantha, I told you to play nice. Beca is just having a little snack, aren't you Beca?" The bartender in Beca's arms was about to go limp but Beca let her go with a gasp. She turned towards the girl's sister with a satisfied smile on her face, "Please just let her go, you can have me. I won't fight you anymore I swear!" The girl in Luke's arms pleaded as Beca looked at her curiously. "Sam?" The girl asked weakly as she lolled her head to the side. The girl was full on sobbing now, "Please if you have any compassion, she's the only person I have left in this world. Please just let her go..." Beca's mouth was covered with blood, looking at this human blankly. She really hated that when Jake left she turned her emotions back on. Now all she feels is regret, "I can't do this anymore Luke..." Beca said letting the limp girl in her arms go, making the girl's sister fall to the floor. Luke huffed, "you're not serious are you?! I haven't even gotten a bite yet!" He said shaking the sobbing girl roughly in his hands. "I said no! Let her go Luke or I'll-" he threw the girl to the side of the wall making her hit her head hard, she as well fell to the ground lifelessly, "or you'll what?! I think you're forgetting who your master is Beca!" Luke said seething, his own canines elongated. Beca growled, "you are not my master! I am my own person Luke!" She growled right back at him threateningly. He laughed manically, "Let me guess, Jake told you that ridiculous nonsense. He left you because you don't know how to be a true master. You're not a person Beca, all you'll ever be is my sloppy seconds..." he said smiling at her cockily. Beca screamed out in outrage and charged towards him. Luke groaned as she knocked him onto his back, as they fought and clawed at each other harshly. Unbeknownst to them the two woman got up and limped out of alley way. "I'm more than you could ever be Luke! If it wasn't for me the council wouldn't even be this close to consider you. They want you because I keep you in check, not the other way around." Beca said getting on top of him and punching his face in. He growled and pushed her off him, making Beca fly back and hit the wall at the end of the alley way. "I should have never allowed you to turn that god forsaken mutt! He is already causing us problems! When I find him expect him to be burned to a crisp." Luke said standing over her and wiping his own blood from his mouth. Beca was about to stand up and fight with all her might but then she heard sirens, "Freeze! Don't move or I'll shoot!" Luke put his hands up slowly and turned around to face a pale officer. "It's okay officer, we are just having a little disagreement." The officer didn't relent, "I just saw two woman come out of this alley way bleeding from their necks you freak!" He grabbed his radio on his shoulder, "Officer requesting back up, Ive got the suspect in sight. I got him boys." Luke's charming smiled dissipated from his face, Beca quietly chucked. She knew how this was gonna play out already, Luke growled once more and used his speed to capture the officer by his throat. "Now I've got you." The officer raised his gun and shot Luke in his side, he didn't even flinch. Beca took this opportunity to charge at Luke's back and tear his throat open with her sharp fangs. He screamed in pain and dropped the officer. Luke grabbed Beca by her hair and threw her off his back. "If I didn't know better I would say you want to kill me." Beca chuckled and got to her feet again, "you have no idea..." Luke smiled and was about to charge at her but they heard police sirens in the distance. He huffed in annoyance, "I'll see you at home." He jumped up on the roof and quickly vanished. Beca sighed, there was no way she was gonna go back to him. As soon as she was out of the alley way she made her escape out of Boston.

"Beca? Are you okay?" Beca jumped in her seat at hearing Chloe's soft voice. "Sorry Chloe, I was just thinking about something..." she said looking down at the cafeteria food in front of her. Chloe smiled, "oh? What were you thinking about?" Chloe asked her wiggling her eyebrows up and down. Beca chuckled, "Well if you must know, I was thinking about how a certain perky red head did a very good job on her first patient." Beca said smiling gently at Chloe. Chloe smiled wide, "I did?! I mean-of course I did." Chloe said flipping her hair back. Beca snorted, "yea don't get too cocky on me now Beale, it was only your first patient. Even then the chick had a minor cold." Beca said munching on her salad. She will never get used to the taste of human food. Chloe giggled, "I'm sure with the greatest nurse mentor in the whole hospital, I will do even better tomorrow." Chloe said, grabbing a French fry and biting on it. Once she swallowed the fry Chloe continued on, "So since I did good today, are you down for the double date?" Beca choked on her salad, "a date?! You said we were all just gonna hang out!" Beca shouted nervously. Chloe giggled, "calm down Beca, it's just a phrase we common folk use. Unless you want it to be a date, because then I'm totes down." Chloe said winking at Beca flirtatiously. Beca had the audacity to blush but shook it off and decided to not say anything about her hanging out with Chloe to be a date, "I guess we can all hang out tonight, where do you have in mind?" Beca ssked her curiously. Chloe squealed, "Okay So usually what Aubrey and I do to celebrate we go out to a karaoke bar called Lips." As soon as Chloe said that she groaned. "Oh come on, it won't be that bad Beca, we hang out have a couple drinks and maybe sing a few of my lady jams." Beca looked at her confusedly, "lady jams?" Chloe nodded, "Yea it's a song that really builds, if you know what I mean?" Chloe said wriggling her eyebrows up and down once more. Beca winced in fake disgust, she really doesn't want to picture Chloe masturbating because who knows what she will do to the red head, "gross..." Chloe chuckled, "so will you come?" Chloe asked her hopefully. Beca looked at those bright baby blue eyes shining with such mirth that she couldn't possibly say no, she nodded slowly. Chloe squealed even louder if that was possible causing a few of Beca's co-workers to look their way. Beca was really regretting saying yes to this beautiful woman.

Author's note: hey I'm trying to spit out a lot more chapters so I can finish my other stories so leave me some comments.

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