3. This Will Be Fine

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The plane landed in Seattle and Axl got off the plane. It felt so different from L.A. The skies were cloudy and the air was cool. It wasn't like the hot, sunny, California that Axl had grown to love. Seattle seemed more laid back. Not much traffic. And lots of houses with flower gardens. He got in a taxi and was soon dropped off at his house. To his left, Axl saw an old lady working in a garden. To his right, he saw a large white mansion. Which he knew as the house of the Cobain's. 225, Ash Street. He turned to a stop sign. Ash street. Great! How did I end up a state away from my friends and right next to the Cobain's? Axl thought. My life is a fucking joke!  

He walked into his house and was bombarded with a terrible smell. He felt like throwing up. He covered his mouth and nose with his shirt and fished in his bag and found some spray-on deodorant and sprayed it around the room. It wasn't a flower-scented air freshener but it'll do. 

He heard a knock on the door. Must be an old lady giving a pie to her new neighbor. Or Kurt telling me to fuck away from his house. Axl thought. He walked to the door and opened it. There stood a pretty, dirty-blonde-haired woman. With green-blue eyes. "Hi, you're my brother's new neighbor," she said. "Oh! Yeah, I am," Axl said. "You're Axl Rose?" the girl asked. Here it comes. 'fuck off, Axl Rose!' Axl could hear her say in his mind. "Yeah," Axl said. "Kurt is all bark no bite trust me," the girl said. "Do you have any questions about this place?" "Yeah did someone die in here?" Axl asked. "No, it was infested with rats and a week ago an exterminator came," the girl said. "So, dead rats?" Axl asked. "No, just the smell of what an exterminator sprayed in here. Air freshener would do you good," the girl said. Axl nodded. "Well, I'll let you go," the girl said. "Wait, what's your name?" Axl asked. "Lilly," the girl said. "I hope to see you again, Lilly," Axl said. Lilly smiled and walked away. 

Axl closed the door and turned back to his house to look around. It wasn't huge. But it wasn't small. Axl sighed. He was lonely again. But this time he was two states away from his friends. Axl sighed. He walked over to the phone and called Izzy. 

"Hey, Iz." 
"Hey, Axl. How's Seattle?" 
"I don't really like it here." 
"What's wrong with it?" 
"I don't know. It's just..." 
"Too laid back." 
"Yeah. I moved to too many states in my life." 
"Haha, yeah." 
"So how's Steven?" 
"A lot better." 
"Good to know." 
"Where do you live." 
"Right next to Kurt Cobain." 

Axl sighed but couldn't help but smiled. Of course, Izzy would laugh at Axl's luck. States away from his friends and right next to the Cobain's. 

"Damn, that's rough. Did you see Kurt?" 
"No, but I saw his sister." 
"Shut up, Iz. It's nothing like that." 
"Alright. Well, I have to go. Bye, Axl. Have fun living next to the Cobain's."
"Have fun being an asshole." 
"I sure will. Haha, the Cobain's can you believe it?" 

Axl hung up and then started chuckling. No, Izzy. I can't. But right now that's the least of my concerns. Axl thought. How is he supposed to stay clean. He's already stressed. He'll have to try. He promised Steven he wouldn't do any drugs. He promised Steven he'd stay clean. The entire made a promise to their brave drummer. And Axl had to keep it. 

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