9. Leaving

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Axl woke up to see Lilly curled next to him in bed. He smiled. This was a sight he wanted to wake up to every morning. She looked so peaceful and innocent. Axl forgot about his problems. All he needed was Lily by his side and everything would be alright. He knew it would. 

Axl heard the phone ring and pushed himself out of bed. He walked lazily to the phone and picked it up. 

"We're in Seattle." 
"Oh... How's Slash?" 
"Alright... Aren't ya going to tell me where you live?" 
"Oh! 225 Ash Street." 
"Thanks, we'll be there soon." 

Axl hung up. "Who was that?" Lilly asked. "Duff," Axl said. "They'll all be here in a few minutes." Lilly nodded. "Should I go?" she asked. "No, stay," Axl said. "Are you sure? I don't wanna get too mixed up in your personal life," Lilly said. "You won't it's fine," Axl said. He pulled Lilly into his arms and kissed her lips. Then he kissed down her neck. Lilly giggled. "Axl, stop, that tickles," Lilly said. Axl smiled against her skin and pulled away. "You're beautiful," he said caressing Lilly's cheek with his thumb. Lilly blushed. "I love you, Axl. You won't ever hurt me, right?" Lilly asked. "Of course not! I'd jump off of a bridge before ever hurting you!" Axl said. Lilly smiled a nuzzled against his chest. Axl rubbed her back. 

He enjoyed moments like this where he didn't have to worry. Where it could just be him and Lilly and nothing else. He loved her more than anything else in the world and that's when he realized he was head over heels for Lilly. And he wanted to marry her one day. Besides, she was right. They would make cute kids. 

"OH! I have to go, Axl! My sister is coming over!" Lilly said. "But I promise I'll be back the time you leave for the tour," She kissed Axl's face and he smiled. "Alright, bye, I love you," Axl said. "I love you too, Axl!" Lilly said flashing him a smile. 

Axl was alone again. Though his friends would be there soon and then he'd leave for rehab. Axl guessed Lilly wouldn't be back by the time he left. So, he decided to leave her a love letter on the porch so she could read it. And after his friends got there he left.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lily walked to Axl's house and knocked. After no one answered she knocked again. "Axl?" She asked then she looked down and saw a letter and read it. 

Dear, Lilly. 
Don't feel bad. I knew it would happen. We were already late and we had to go. But I'll let you know that I love you with all my heart. I can't wait to see you again. I'll call. And I know you will. It may be late, but I promise I'll call. I love you, baby. I love you more than anything in the world. -Love Your Loving Boyfriend, Axl. 

Lilly's heart fluttered and her stomach did flips. Love, Love, Love. That's all Lilly felt at that moment and she couldn't wait to see him again either.  

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