12. Drunken Accident

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"Let's drink," Axl said. "What?" Lilly asked. "I wanna have a good drunk memory," Axl said. Lilly nodded. "Let's do it," Lilly said. Axl bought a bunch of drinks and the two started slowly at first but then sped up and the two were soon really drunk. They walked to the bedroom holding onto each other so they don't trip and fall. They felt dizzy but went without a care in the world. Nothing mattered at that point. They were young and in love, well and drunk. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Ugh," Lilly said holding her head as she sat up. She looked at Axl who was awake but his eyes were squeezed shut and his breathing was heavy and uneven. A breeze passed by and Lilly shivered. Then she realized she was naked. What happened last night? She wondered. Then a wave of nausea hit her like a truck and she ran to the bathroom and threw up. She heard footsteps and some rustling around. Axl came in a few moments later and scooped Lilly into his arms and carried her to bed. He set her down and slipped a shirt over her head. "Wh-what happened last night?" Lilly asked. "I don't remember," Axl said walking out of the room. 

That was a lie he knew what happened he just didn't want to scare Lilly. And Lilly also knew what happened but she wanted to make sure they didn't just strip down and go to sleep. Which would be stupid but come on, they were drunk.

Axl came back with water and a couple of pills. "Here take this," Axl said. Lilly took it. "What about you?" she asked. "I'm fine, I already took some," Axl said. Axl wrapped his arms around Lilly's small body and nuzzled into her neck. "I love you, Lilly," Axl said. "I love you too, baby, and I hope to never be without you," Lilly said. 

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