25. Divorce

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"Kurt, what are you doing here?" Lilly asked. "Courtney kicked me out. C-can I stay here tonight?" Kurt asked. "Of course, what about Frances?" Lilly asked. Kurt shrugged. "She'll be fine," Kurt said. 

"Should I get a divorce?" Kurt asked his sister. "If it's the best thing to do, then yes," Lilly said. "I don't know if it's the best thing to do. What about Frances?" Kurt asked. "She'll be fine. Trust me. You'll see her," Lilly said laying a hand on Kurt's shoulder. "I don't want her to be upset," Kurt said. "Listen, she'll be confused and of course upset that you and Courtney are divorced. But, it's a lot better than her having to listen to you argue," Violet said. Kurt nodded. "Well, I'm off to bed, see you tomorrow, Kurt," Violet said. 

She crawled into bed beside Axl who wrapped his arm around her waist. "How'd it go?" Axl asked. "Fine," Lilly said. She felt Axl rub her stomach and smiled. "I love you, Axl," she said. "I love you too, Lilly," Axl said nuzzling into Lilly's neck. Lilly laughed and slipped off to sleep. 

She had confidence things would go well. It would all be fine. Frances is five she couldn't be that hurt by it. Right? 

Many thoughts ran through Lilly's mind as she drifted off to sleep. But she was certain everything would be okay.

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