Chapter 2 -Ryuu

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My life is a train wreck.

It's the sad truth. Plain and simple. Though the past year has most definitely been the worst out of all my time yet. Not to mention, I have to start high school today.
Yes, me.
Me, Ryuu, is starting high school today. I just can't get my head around the idea of it...

"OI, GET UP LAZY! SCHOOL TODAY!" if I needed reminding.

That's Yukine, he's also plain and simple, but he is genuinely a nice guy.

See, last year, when the police found me 'homeless' he offered to take me in and give me a room in his B and B.

"Don't make me accidentally spill this... cold, water on you." He taunts. I just grunt and roll over. He wouldn't dare, not on his brand new sheets.

"Oops..." I feel a trickle run down my spine and instantly jump up. I take it back. Yukine is the worst of the worst. He's even worse than me.

"Sadist" I mutter as I leave the room.

"Hypocrite" He mutters back.

Yukines shabby B and B was definitely welcoming, and he was always trying his best to make me feel like family.

But. He didn't know.

I probably would never think of this place as home. Like, ever. Never. And the worst part is, I will never, even if they let me back into my old place, be able to think of that as home again, either. I don't have a home.

I stand alone at the back of my new class. Uncomfortable. So far, not a single person has spoken to me. Was I seriously that unapproachable. Well, I guess I kind of am. I really don't want anyone to talk to me anyway. They're all... human.

They disgust me. Ungrateful, cowardly weak creatures.

Then again, I'm just as bad as a human now.


I take one of the seats in the back just as the teacher walks in. After welcoming us to her class, introducing herself and taking the register she announced that we would be doing maths.


She then makes us all love her just a little bit more by saying that we would be doing a little pop quiz contest today.

Doubly great.

And for the cherry on top... She picks me and some girl to go first. She writes on the black board painfully slowly. I hate it when people write on blackboards, the squeaks literally make me shiver.

"Alright, let's see who solves it first!" She said in a sickenly sweet voice making me want to vomit.

What the...

What even is this maths?! I look at the black board glacently. Umm.

The girl standing next to me wasn't there anymore, she was sitting back at her desk. Finished.

"Well, I guess we have our winner!" Oh my gosh, could this woman's voice be any more annoying.

The class seemed to be silently mocking me for not knowing how to do the problem, which kind of made me hate the teacher, and the girl.

Seriously though, if someone had told me a year and a half ago, that a demons like me would be stuck in a maths class with humans next year, I would have laughed.

Which brings me to my original point. My life is a train wreck.

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