Chapter 12 -Ryuu

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I was up all night.

She hates me. What can I do?

Yukine walks through the door, to find me awake and changed.

"HOLY CHEESE PUFFS! What happened to you?"

Glaring at him I get up and leave for school early, contemplating possible possibilities for apologies. Nothing seems to come up.

Gosh darn it.

Sitting on the roof, as per usual, I'm alone. Kanade storms through the doorway looking very flustered. Whoa, was she blushing?

Wait! No time for this. I have to apologize for not telling her!

Kanade notices me and plonks down next to me.

"Umm, I'm really really sorry for not telling you that I was a demon!!" I blurt before I can stop myself.

"And, I, I don't want to kill you!"


I chance a glance at her. The look on her face seems pained. Suddenly, before I have a chance to stop it, she pulls me in for a hug. Making my face grow red and heart beat fast.

"It's ok" she whispers in my ear.

I breath out a sigh of relief.


She lets go and laughs at me.

"Why would you pour water on me..." I grumble, half mad, half laughing.

"Payback" she states.

We ate the rest of our lunches in silence and once were done I look at her.

"What does an angel have to do to get the kick then?"

She bites her lip.

"I'll tell you if you tell me what you did bad enough to get kicked out of Hell..."

"It's more what I did that was too good for Hell..." I begin in a whisper, staring at a fluffy white cloud.

"You know the archangel Penelope right? The one who's just a kid. My dad was one of the people guarding her. I know exactly what they did to those kinds of prisoners. This time it was me who was the one who had to tell her her fate. They were holding her captive. Giving her the occasional torture. It was too cruel. And I know it's stupid, but, once I saw her I couldn't just leave her, I had to let her go. Had to let her escape Hell..."

"That's not stupid..." Kanade whispered. She wore an unnerving expression that seemed to hold both guilt and confusion.

Smiling at her, she smiles back and I prompt her to tell me why she got the kick.

Her smile vanished.

"They tricked me." She said in an alarmingly rough tone. That was when Hikaru burst through the doors.

He runs at me, lifts me up and pushes me against the fence, emphasizing his height advantage. He never seemed to notice Kanade.

"You think your so sly with your lies don't you!" He spits.

I have no idea what he is talking about.

He glares at me and pushes me a little too hard. Making it hard to breath.

"Yeah, I know your claustrophobic, demon!"

"So..." I gasp, face turning purple. I try to squirt him with my water bottle to shock him into letting me go. Failing miserably.

Noticing that I was about to pass out he lets go. Giving me a chance to summon my sword. That dude was dangerous!

"So... It means I know other things about you too..." He states menacingly. You know what. Hikaru is really starting to annoy me.

"Like what." I look up with my, hopefully, intimidating face. It's a little hard though. When he's like, a head taller than you.

"I know that you like Kanade." He looks at Kanade evily, and smirks at my red face.

"No I don't!" I stammer.

He looks at me with those eyes that seem to know everything.

"We kissed..." he whispers.

The water bottles contents in my hands shoots upwards, soaking all three of us.

"THAT'S IT!" Hikaru screeches. He seriously needs more sleep. (Coming from me.)

He charges at me.
Me ready to swing. Some thing unexpected happens though. Hikaru stops running. The big blow to the head didn't come from him. It came from Kanade.

As I fall to the ground and my eyes close, all I can see Hikarus smirking face and Kanades soft blue eyes...

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