Chapter 20 - Kanade

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The cracking of his voice seemed restless.
Ryuu was screaming loudly, awakening his dorm mates.
I looked downwards and saw that Ryuu had noticed the red on his hands.
He was shaking like a leaf in the wind.
I grab the sheet on his bed and wipe his hands on it, he tries to pull his hands away and cowers into the corner of his bed, leaning against the wall.
I kneel on his bed and lean forwards, reaching out to hug him, consoling him. I take a blanket of his and place it on his head.
Ryuu grabs my shirt and leans his head on his hands, tears flowing from his eyes.
Please don't leave me...
P-please, j-just, never leave me...!"
Ryuu burst out in tears and i just hug him again.

I think our revenge went a little too far.

After the boys pranked the girls, the girls got together and decided on a revenge tactic.

We planned to put dye in all of the boys hair and then when they shower in the morning, their hair will all be a multitude of colours.

And just by chance Ryuu's was red.
When we were 'escaping' the boys dorm, i decided to check on him.

He was screaming.
Having a nightmare.

I stay awake holding Ryuu gently, he's quietened down a bit, stopped crying at least.
I lay him down on his bed and cover him with his sheets.
I kneel down on the floor in front of his face and stroke a small piece of hair away from his eyes. I lean forwards and gently kiss Ryuu on the head.
"Goodnight Ryuu...
And i promise i'll never leave you..."
I go to stand up and leave when i feel a tight grip on the back of my shirt.

"I thought you just said you wouldn't leave..."

"I won't.." Sighing i turn around and face Ryuu again.
I feel a little uncomfortable.
I kneel on the side of Ryuu's bed and lie down on my side next to a now, half-asleep Ryuu.
I pull his blanket over me, it was warm.
I fell asleep that night so comfortably...

I wake up that morning to a nosey face looking towards Ryuu's bed, which at the moment contained me.
I look towards Ryuu, who is still sleeping, trying to gain some sympathy.
"You might wanna look in a mirror there.."
"What why?" The guy who appeared to be dorm mates with Ryuu questioned.
I roll my eyes and just tell him.
"The girls played a trick, well, acted upon their revenge.
They dyed every boy that they could before 6:30's hair a weird colour of the spectrum."
The guy reaches his hand up to his hair and feels that its still a bit wet. He then began shaking Ryuu in an attempt to wake him up. "Oh my-- Ryuu!! Wake up ya lump!!!"
What now Michi?"
The guy, now identified as Michi, sighed and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
I look at Ryuu and smile playfully.

"I should go before i'm found out by the girls, they'll have a field day."

"Sure..." i stand up and go for the door thinking, 'i better bolt back before all the boys wake up too?!' And begin speeding my way back to my dorm.

I make it back just in time.


I see Ryuu sitting having lunch with Michi in the main hall and head over to them.
"Hey. Sorry to interrupt but do you mind if i join?" I ask them.
"Sure." Ryuu replies and pulls over a chair for me to sit on.
Oh, before i forget." i reach a hand out towards Michi. "Nice to meet you, i'm Kanade. i apologise for this morning and the awkward meeting, but i'd prefer for that not to be featured on Facebook so could you please keep that to yourself..?"
"Uhh, sure..." Michi says, shaking my hand in return.
"So, dude, i'm gonna go get another hamburger and then head out to go meet Ryuuichi, hope ya don't mind!!"

After Michi left there was a reeeaaalllyyy awkward silence.
"Umm, Ryuu, about last night...
Could you.. tell me what happened..?" I asked him.
"I-i'd prefer if we didn't talk about what happened. any of last night. Not for a while anyway..."
"... Okay. Never mind then. "

There was a large commotion at the front of the hall and suddenly there was a loud voice speaking over the intercom that reached all over the school.
"Students, i have a new announcement. I would prefer if everyone stopped what they were doing and listen to this urgent message.
There will be a full scale battle scheduled for three weeks time.
The following parties will participate:
And Peace revolutionists***
More information will be sent out at a later date.
For now, in two days time, you will all vote for which side you wish to fight for.
That is all."

*Taoretas here means the angels and demons who wish to return home and are proving their worth by fighting each other.
** Revengists here means the angels amd demons seeking revenge.
***Peace Revolutionists here means angels and demons who do not wish for everyone to be fighting the war and want all sides to form a treaty.)

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