Chapter 15 - Kanade.

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I scream at Hikaru, all this time, he was doing this!

I bet he's blaming me too.

With tears coming out of my eyes, my throat raw, i scream louder at Hikaru, averting my gaze to find Ryuu crawling towards the door. I look at him dead in the eyes, giving him a sympathetic look.

He nods at me and scurries out of the room, later hearing him softly standing up and running for his life, which in this case, may have been true...

"Kanade! Move!" Hikaru screamed at me, louder than i had at him.

Ryuu had managed to slip out of the room un-noticed a few moments ago, luckily Hikaru not noticing him.

Tears flow out of my eyes, my hands in fists, floating in front of Hikaru's chest.

He looked so angry, like he was about to explode.

Hikaru eventually burst and took a step back, his hands in the air then touching his head, curled up into fists. He turned his head around, looking for Ryuu to take his anger out on, who wasn't there.

You had something to do with this didn't you..!" Hikaru screamed

"W-what!! No! I wouldn't!!" I was lying through my teeth, at least he couldn't tell my expression, well, not fully, due to my tear soaked face.

Only as long as he didn't use his power.

Hikaru takes a step closer to me and reaches for my hand. I snatch it back before he can grab it. His face looks more angered now, i cower back in fear, this is the scarcest i've ever seen a person. Hikaru takes a step closer to me, towering over my shaking body, his arm blocking me from moving.

Why won't you tell me the truth..." He moved my chin so that i was facing him, me desperately trying to avoid eye contact, knowing exactly what he was trying to do.

"Hikaru! No!" I shout, my eyes clenching shut and my face turning to the side.

"Kanade! Look at me!" He grabbed my face again and i kneed him in the crotch. He clambered back, lowering himself onto the floor. I quickly chance a look at him and then dash for the door. Millimetres away from the door, it slams shut, trapping me with his presence.

I was stuck. This time the closest to an angel i'll ever be for a long time...

"Kanade." Hikaru is back standing. Now angrier than ever, as if he wasn't real and a moment ago never happened.

I step back quickly and managed to avoid the hand that Hikaru had swung at me. I run to the other end of the room and summon my sword, it unnaturally shines in front of me, trying to give me the confidence to do what i needed to do next.

Hikaru stepped forward as he understood what i was about to try.

"Wait!!" He shouts.

What could possibly make me not want to kill you right now!!" A newfound gleam was in my eye, as if looking a new person, no longer Kanade.

I pointed my sword towards Hikaru, he stepped forwards a little, raising his hands in surrender.

"Because i don't belong here...

Look, i have a family, friends, that i want to return to at the end of the day.

I know that there are people that you care for and you would not want to leave them behind." I lower my sword, tears flowing from both of our eyes.

"I know, that you want to go back home.. but i'm not the answer. that, was.
That demon.
Your friend.
And you let it go...
You- i did that for you..."
With each word he said he inched closer.

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