Chapter 8 -Ryuu

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I know exactly what that machine of horror does. The question is though. How do they have one? One of the men shove me into the contraption, closing the lid. Giving me a moment of panic before the gas makes me black out. What came was certainly not relief though.

Everything about me, my past, fears, likes, dislikes, regrets, swam before my eyes. Everything. Reminding me of things I want to forget.

They now knew everything about me. No doubt about that. The information will be safely stored on a computer somewhere.

This terrifies me.

A big hand drags me and easily lifts up my small frame. Me, still wobbly on the drugs, could do nothing to stop it. Out the corner of my eye I see Kanade being pushed back to the small room. The man suddenly turns making my head spin. Eventually we are in a brightly lit, spacious room filled with computers. One of the men step forwards, a grin plastered on his face. The other dude puts me down and I stumble around a little.

"Welcome, brother." He greets me. Then it clicked. They were just like me. Fallen demons.
From Hell, how else did they get that contraption!
Wait, how did they get that... Their eyes are glued to me.
"Why didn't you just tell us you were a demon?" He cries joyfully, punching my arm.
"More importantly, why haven't you killed it yet?!"
Were they talking about Kanade?

"Why would I?" I question them. They exchange glances, whispering things like, he doesn't know...

The man's expression turned from happy to grave in an instant. "Just how much does he know?" He whispers to his comrade who was whizzing away on his computer.

"Not much..."

The man wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"This might take a while..." he says apologetically.

Something about these men unnerved me. They were so rough before but now they are acting like we're long lost brothers or something. They're certainly annoying. I followed him anyway though. Not like I had any choice in the matter. My right arm ached, still weak from the creepy shadow thing. A consistent reminder that I was stuck.

He sat me down on a comfy-ish chair and explained everything. What he told me shocked me.

About a year ago, just after I... fell. Heaven and hell went to war. The reason was ridiculous and really cheeses me of. It was over that stupid little girl -Penelope.


So, because of her, Heaven and Hell are at war, both fighting for Earth. Power. Now, I know they have always been at war, but never at this big a level.

The two men, whom I'd decided to call Bill and John, then went on questioning me why it- referring to the Angel in the cell, was still alive. My reply was simple. I had had no reason to kill her. Yet. Bill and John exchanged excited glances.

They told me something, very interesting.

If you kill an Angel, you get to go back to Hell.

That sentence made my heart skip a beat. All I had to do, was kill Kanade. And they would let me back. Home. John continued to explain, they had already found and killed 5 angels, which led me to question them on why they were still here.

They didn't want to go back. They traded the chance with getting their demonic forms, powers, machines of horror back. These people were deadly. And they were part of a group. Who hated both Heaven and Hell. Who also wanted Earth, but also Heaven and Hell. By now, they both know everything about me. About what I did.

The awful thing I did.

So why did they congratulate me for it? I didn't wait long for the answer.

Anyway man, thanks for single handsomely starting this war... It's given us the perfect opportunity to attack whilst both sides are distracted...

The worst thing was, they weren't expecting me to want to go home 'after everything they've done to me'. And they were expecting me to join them, they even gave me my sword back, and Kanades to...

These guys quickly made up a plan for me, which I had no intention of following, by the way. They basically want me to distract her as they kill her. Yeah no. If they were killing her, I certainly would not let them waste my way home for some stupid reason. John is signalling me to 'cause a distraction', so I did. Using poor Bill. I'm not gonna lie. I shoved him into John. Chucking Kanade her sword I shout to run.

Well, it wouldn't be that easy. You know. Bill was kinda angry now. And as he grabs my foot I can feel the floor getting closer and closer. My face slaps against it painfully, blood pouring from my chin. Kanade was probably long gone by now and I can just about GUESS exactly what they would do to me now.
They would kill me too.

I hear Bill fall and realise that John had completely vanished. Kanade stood by the door, sword in hand with a black liquid dripping off. I look at my hands, my own blood an inky red. Human.

I nod at Kanade, a thanks for getting rid of Bill, and as we run out of the cave I feel a surge of relief to breathe fresh air once again. Thank God we were out of that horrid place.

The sky was a roaring red.

I looked at a dazed looking Kanade.

The girl who saved my life.

And I almost. Almost. Felt guilty that I was going to kill her.

And that was when my eyes fluttered open and a worried looking nurse looked down at me...

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