Chapter 9 - Kanade

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I sit up in bed and look over at Ryuu, who's still sleeping. He looked peaceful but inside i know that he's in distress, because i know that he's still trapped inside, that, whatever that was. That nightmare was horrifying.

We were in hell.

I woke up and appeared to be in a hospital, with my 'friend' beside me. He seemed to be in a worse sort of condition and he hasn't woken up in 6 days.

I heard a small noise coming from Ryuu's bed and look at him. His hand reaches up and onto his stomach, as if he was trying to close a wound that was just opened.
I immediately got up and ran over to him. I pressed the nurses button, that's when Ryuu grabbed my arm.
Y-you're alive?
Y-you should run!
Protect yourself!
At this point he's grabbing the hospital gown i was wearing and dragging me towards him, staring me in the eyes.

"Ryuu, no, no it's okay! i'm alive! You just relax now okay?!?
i'm getting the nurse?!?"

I kept pressing the nurse button and began panicking as Ryuu placed his arm back at his side and stopped moving completely.

A week has passed and i've been out of hospital for three days, i came out with a scratch but that's all.
Not like Ryuu.
Angels shouldn't have to go though this, me or him.

During school, life was average, a few questions about why i wasn't in school but nothing big, i don't really have any friends anyway.
I haven't been to see Ryuu in a while though..

I wonder if he's okay?

If he is awake then he'll probably be getting questioned by either his guardian or the police. I was questioned a little but they said that they were told by someone that it wasn't my fault at all, only Ryuu's. He's likely to be blaming himself right now if he's awake.
The bell rings for class and the 'popular crew' stroll in. The biggest guy there, Hikaru, true to his name, recently he's been sparkling a lot. You know like in an anime, it's definitely weird. i know he's popular but, sparkling? Really? There's no need for that!

I sit in my usual corner on the rooftop, eating from my bento. The door slams open and i get the feeling of dejà-vū. Except this time, there was a herd of them. The sparkling one followed by its 'groupies'.
'Oh great...' I think to myself.
Hikaru makes his way over to me (still being followed) and asks me "oh, why would you be leaving? Come join us?"
"I'm leaving cause i don't want to particularly be around you, also i'm finished my lunch, so now i take my leave." I push my way past him and he moves his arm to in front of me, blocking my path.
"Well clearly you have some time. Care to join me..." Was he trying to be seductive? That was terrible. It seemed to be working on his 'groupies' though... Dear god what is wrong with this world!
"If you don't wish for the large party then we could easily go somewhere... Else..." He turned facing me, his eyes looking into mines. It was as if in a trance.
'Woah, wait am i actually considering this?!?
Is this guy like the schools host club or something?!?
What the hell?!?'
Later on he eventually dismisses (somehow) the large group of 'friends' who were with him.
"Now, i have something to discuss with you and you will listen." His voice was now very monotone and seemed deadly serious.
"Umm okay..."
"Show me the sword"
At this point my eyes popped open, but somehow trying to hide that fact.
"W-what are you t-talking about..." My voice drifts off into silence and he just stares at me.
He walked towards me, his eyes looking very serious, me stepping back a little.
I corner myself into a fence and he towers over me.
'Gosh now i know how Ryuu feels in a small room' i think to myself not showing any panic on my face.
"I know that you're an angel. Now show the sword" he demands me.
Well, he did make everyone leave so i might as well but...
"What about you? Where's yours and your conformation?"
"I don't have a sword." He states.
"Where's your conformation then?" I question, still feeling a little claustrophobic.
"I can control peoples minds and actions with my eyes." He states bluntly
"Doesn't that require a lot of power? How haven't you run out yet?"
"Because. Unlike you, i didn't commit a crime to end up here..."

I look at him in awe, when i looked a little closer at him i realised that he was in the same group as me in heaven. He must've joined the military and come to earth to investigate and such.
That was such a rarity though? Why do they suddenly need to have a student come to earth?
Then he explained everything.
There was a war.

(A/N the name Hikaru means
light, or radiance, just thought i'd tell you of you didn't know! The next chapter will be out shortly! I hope you've enjoyed it so far, we appeciate all, reads, likes, comments and even supportive criticism, so please help up write better! Thank you!
Imagine darkness! )

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