Chapter 5 - Kanade

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Great. Just great!
He's one to?
This is just the best day.
Can you tell my sarcasm!

First, i was dragged to this sleeping clinic by my adoptive parents for 'sleeping too much'.
Second, he's here to.
Third, he is also an angel.

Are they entirely sure this isn't hell.

I face palm and groan out. Luckily all the people around us are unconscious so that they won't hear our conversation. (Well, not luckily, but you know what i mean.)
We are still holding onto our swords, his is black, mines is light green/turquoise. We look at each other then at our own swords, then at each others swords. I refuse to begin a fight with him. Not only because he's an angel too, but because it's dangerous that we may hurt someone or they might wake up. I hide my sword and he follows put. Silently we both move some of the debris from the collapsed roof and collect the remaining unconscious people. I call an ambulance which gets here fast, though by the time it arrives most people are awake.
We all arrive at the hospital and go with the people we wish to. My parents didn't take me to the clinic, no it was one of our maids who took me. Unwillingly may i add. After i've been checked over (just a couple of cuts and such) i go and find the maid, her names Naomi and as far as i know she's been at the house since the youngest child was born. She's still not awake and the doctor said she may have broken a few bones. Nothing serious but i'm going to be in a lot of trouble for this. And if i'm not Naomi will. They'll make up plenty excuses.
I sit in the chair beside the bed and attempt to sleep, for once i can't. They hadn't even spoken to me at the clinic yet. A doctor comes into the room followed by a small shadow. Not a person, but a very dark shadow. It's creepy looking and had piercing red glowing eyes. I blink twice and look again. The shadow looks to be attached to the doctor, like it's grabbing ahold of his skin and refusing to let go.
Am i the only one seeing this? Am i going insane? Maybe i do sleep too much?
The glowing red turns away from it's owner and looks towards me. I try and ignore it but it keeps looking. The glowing eyes looking into my soul. The shadow jumps off of it's owners back and disappears, almost as if it disintegrated.
The entire room froze around me the clocks all stopped. For an unknown reason i was able to move, as if the ice shell around me had instantly melted.
I stood up and walked to the other side of the room a little disorientated and lean against the wall. Something touches my arm and i feel as if it bit my shoulder.
Luckily we're in a hospital. Hehe, well they all can't move so...
There appears to be blood and a dark shadow with now green glowing eyes looking at me. It keeps digging it's sharp fangs into the flesh on my shoulder. In any normal person they would have fainted from the pain. I didn't faint but i did scream. Loudly. The blood kept dripping down my arm, making it un-useful. I try and summon my sword with the opposite, undamaged arm. It didn't seem to be working. It was odd. Was this shadow blocking my summoning. I grab a scalpel from the cupboard now beside me and attempt to stab it.
Anything that would get this off of my arm for a second just to summon my sword. I jolt slightly as i hear the door handle move, someone unfrozen trying to get in.
"Hello? I heard a scream? Are you okay in there? Do you know what's going on? Why is no one moving? Are they dead?"
I recognised the voice. It was Ryuu. (Him. I really dislike saying his name.) at this point i didn't care who it was, but i knew that he had a sword and could push the thing off of my shoulder.
After hearing the voice, it's fangs sunk theirselves into my flesh even deeper, tearing the muscle, so close to the bone that now even i could feel the unbearable pain in my arm. The pain rendered me useless. And i screamed again. I think he got the message as he burst the door open, sword in hand and looked at me, leaning pitifully against the white wall now stained red with my blood. He ran over and slashed the shadow on my shoulder in a weak spot, making it disintegrate for real this time and die, never coming back. Even though the shadow was gone, my injury remained, still bleeding away. Time returned again and i couldn't say a word. The pain was too much to bear. Ryuu had attempted to make a make-shift bandage for before a doctor could help but it did nothing to stop the bleeding and the pain.

Ryuu followed me and the doctors into another room along the hall. They gave me some morphine to ease the pain. It worked a bit but the pain was still visible. Why am i surprised though, i did have two teeth holes in my shoulder almost down to the bone. They injected me with another fluid which i was not notified of and i immediately fell asleep, almost unconscious.

Whilst asleep i dreamt.
I dreamt of what i though to be what may happen in the future. There were many different ideas that popped into my head. A little bit like Charles Dickens 'A Christmas Carol', only a different story. I was a ghost like thing, watching as my visions of the future unfolded in front of my eyes. I looked down and there was a grave.
I looked closer. It appeared to be mine. There was one person sitting in front of it, with two police officers behind them, watching over. I stood forward and saw that there was one small bunch of flowers placed there. Likely by the person sitting there. Shows how much my family cares. I walk to the opposite side of the grave and kneel down behind it. I looked at the face. It was stained with tears. Behind the tears was Ryuu. With two police officers behind him...
I instantly understood what was happening. They had accused Ryuu of giving me those marks which killed me.
Then i realised that those tears he was crying, were not tears of grief.
They were tears of anger.

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