"Toothbrush, check, Toothpaste, check, Hair Gel, check, Comb, check"
"Mom, do I really need all this luggage and clothes?" Harry said while frowning, as of 6 in the morning he already has 3 suitcases. "I could buy clothes in London, I'll only be there for a day or two", his mom was busy counting all the clothes in his bag, "4 pants, check, 4 shirts, check, 1 extra shirt just incase, check, ooh, you hoodies" his mom rushed to his drawer and got his hoodies.
While that was happening, he went to his bed and crouched down to look at the box under his bed and found the ring given to him by Louis when they were only toddlers, he grabbed it, placed it in his pocket, just in case.
He went back to where he was standing before and his mom is still pacing around the room.
All he could do was frown and watch as his mom paced.
He looked at his phone and saw the time, 6:15 am. "Mom! We need to go if we are going to visit Gemma in the hospital before I leave!". "What time is it?" his mom asked, they were both shouting out of nowhere.
"7:00" he lied, "Is that the time?!" her mom said while zipping his suitcase, "Let's go then!!"
They both rushed to the door, "The key?!Where's the key?!" his mom asked while they were all rushing.
"I lost it!!".
"How about your bag?" he asked in a rushing-manor, Anne checked her bag and saw the keys there, "Found it! It was on my bag all along!!" she was rushing to the door, Harry shook his head, in fondness and a wee bit of disappointment.
While they were on their way to Hospital, rushing, "Harry, is there something going on between Gemma and Zayn?" his mom says. "So, I'm not the only one seeing it?" Harry said as he removed his earphones. "Yeah, I'm not so sure but, is that the time?!!" his mom went over the speed limit to reach the hospital in time.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Come in" Gemma says, she was lying in bed and watching Netflix on the T.V.. He went to kiss her sister's cheek when he looked up and saw Zayn walking out the room.
"What are you doing here?" Harry asks, while giving Zayn a death glare
"Well Gemma told me she was lonely, so I decided to come over" he said while holding Gemma's hand, Harry rolled his eyes on Zayn.
"That's very nice of you but don't you have classes?" Anne asked
"Yeah, don't you have classes?" Harry backed his mom, defensively, I might add.
"Uhmmm, well they canceled classes so I took my chance to go here" the raven haired lad reassured them politely as he walked over to Gemma
"I don't rememb-" Harry was about to start arguing with Zayn when Gemma interrupted.
"So Zaynie here told me about the job interview, I can't believe it, my little brother working his ass off for me" is all Gemma could say.
"That's what I came here for".
"Good luck, ok, I really hope you get the job"
"Lemme guess, you want me to get the job so you could see him for yourself". Harry said with a joking smirk.
"I can't say no" then they were all laughing.
"Harry, we need to go," his mom reminded him, "We still have a 30 minute drive. Bye Gemma" she planted a kiss on Gemma's temple.

Just A Personal Assistant
Fiksi Penggemar"Promise me this, if there is more than this one lifetime, and we meet again in another time, another place, let us love each other the way we should've loved each other from the start because I couldn't bare another lifetime missing a piece of my h...