Make You Mine
~~~All this small things add up to the biggest reason why I love you - Yumi
They were driving back, with Harry droving because Louis can't due to his injury, holding each other's hands with huge smile plastered across their faces.
"Do you want to grab a quick bite before we go home?" Harry asked as he rubbed Louis' hand with his thumb,
"Could we grab chinese? I'm in the mood for noodles" Louis asked as an answer,
"Anything for the love of my life" Harry said as Louis turned into crimson red.Harry parked at the free parking lot once they arrived at the restaurant. The curly-haired lad got out of the car and ran to Louis' side to help him get out. He opened the door and unbuckled Louis' seatbelt since the older boy was having trouble getting it out. He then carried Louis by his waist and settled him down. He received a small 'thank you' and a kiss on the cheek from Louis to which he replied with a dimpled smile. He ran to the back of his Range Rover and took out Louis' crutches. He gave them to Louis and assisted him inside the restaurant.
"That smells so good" Louis exclaimed as they entered the restaurant,
"No need to drool" Harry joked as Louis gave him a small slap on his arm.Harry requested for a booth so they could eat in peace. But even before Louis could seat down they saw a camera flash. They both turned around and saw 3 girls giggling on the far end of the restaurant. Louis gave Harry a tight smile and Harry just mumbled a small 'I'll be right back' as he planned to go talk to the girls. Louis tried to stop him but Harry was already on his way towards the girls. The older boy just smiled fondly at his personal assistant and that's when he decided that he wants to make that boy his.
"Excuse me, do you mind? Louis and I just want to eat our lunch in peace. He love you guys so much, but he also likes his privacy so csn you olease tone it dow-" Harry politely asked but was interrupted when he saw a flash that came from one of the girl's phone whom giggled silently, "Uhmm, if you could please refrain from taking pictures, we would really much appreciate that",
"And who are you to say what we're supposed to be doing and not?" a girl from the far end of the table said,
"Uhmm, I'm speaking on behalf of Louis and for myself too, I'm his personal assistant so it's kinda my job" Harry esplained softly wanting to sound polite as he could possibly could even though these girls are making it really hard for him,
"Well, you should retire or they should fire you or something, Louis' straight and you are... infecting him with your gay disease" the girl nearest to Harry said,
"I-uhm, how did you know I was-"
"gay? We do our reseach, fag" the other girl spitted,
"And you call yourself a fan" Louis said as he cam behind Harry, letting his hand hold Harry up by his back,
"Oh hi! Can we get a picture?" the girl fron the far end said,
"Uhh no. Not after what you did to Harry. So what is wrong with being gay? At least he is brave enough to show his true self and not hide in a foundation that is 2 times lighter than your skin and brows that are to pointed to be true and of course wearing branded clothes everywhere so that people won't judge them but guess what your clothes are fake designers do nope, I don't take pictures with people like you" Louis pointed out as he grabbed Harry's hands and pulled him away, receiving some shcoked gasps and looks from the girls."You didn't have to do that Loubear. They're still you're fans." Harry said as he reached out for Louis' hand's now that they're in private,
"No I don't have fans like that" Louis said still in disgust from the girls ealier, " No one deserves to be treated like that. To be said those things. Especially you, if yhey were true fans thay would love me for who I am and they would like who makes me happy, who I love. So they aren't my fans",
"Oh, Lou" Harry stood up and sat besides Louis then hugged the older boy.

Just A Personal Assistant
Fanfic"Promise me this, if there is more than this one lifetime, and we meet again in another time, another place, let us love each other the way we should've loved each other from the start because I couldn't bare another lifetime missing a piece of my h...