thirty seven - a simple song

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8 Letters (Acoustic) - Why Don't We


"The sun watches what I do... But the moon knows all of secrets" Jm Wonderland


Harry woke up at five thirty.

They both watched a movie before going to sleep. Harry convinces Louis to watch A Walk To Remember with him and Louis couldn't say no.

He looked up and saw Louis hugging him tightly while soft snores were leaving his mouth. He untangled himself with Louis slowly, careful not to wake him up. He brushed a hair that was dangling down Louis' forehead before he dipped down and place a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. Louis smiled in his sleep before turning to his side to snuggling into Harry's pillow.

The green-eyed boy smiled fondly. "C'mon girl" he called out to Oreo who wiggled her tail as they both stepped out the room, closing the door silently.

He walked slowly down the stairs quietly, seeing as everyone else is still asleep. He entered the living area and saw Liam and Amber snuggled to each other, both letting out soft breathes. Liam had his arm wrapped around Amber securely while Amber was cocooned in between his arms, both legs intertwined.

Harry smiled at the sight.

He entered the small kitchen and sat down the kitchen counter. He let his feet dangle down the edges, thinking about what he could do. After minutes of staring through the window, he jumped down and decided to start looking through the cabinets bringing out everything he think is still usable or edible.

He brought out a packet of lasagna pasta, some beef, and a spaghetti sauce and placed them down on the counter. He rummaged through the remaining cabinet looking for ingredient to make béchamel sauce for lasagna. But he was brought by with nothing.

He stared at the ingredients plastered in front of him, he kneeled down the floor and rested his arms on the counter staring on the ingredients. He decided for a simple casserole.

He took out pans, chopping board and all the materials he needs to make the casserole.

He wore his apron, put on earphones and started to work.


Louis woke up fifteen minutes later. He opened his eyes and saw that he was facing Harry's bedside table. He turned around, expecting to face Harry but all he saw was his boyfriends' pillow on his face. He stood up, a little panicked. He sprinted towards the door and down the stairs, but slowed down once he saw Harry mixing some sauce. He smiled at the sight of his boyfriend and being all domestic.

He slowly and quietly walked down the last three steps.

The blue-eyed boy entered the kitchen space. Harry was too busy mixing and listening to his music to even notice that his boyfriend was behind him.

Louis tiptoed towards Harry and removed one of his earphones which made the younger boy jump, squeal and throw some of the sauce on the stove. He turned around to see Louis wearing one of his earphone.

Louis' head slowly bopped at the beat of the song playing through the earphone

"Hmmm, what song is this? I like it" Louis said before Harry huffed and snatched the earphone away from Louis' ear, "Hey!"

"Why would you do that?!" he whisper-shouted,

"Can I please have it back?" Louis asked after he shrugged as a response,

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