"Promise me this, if there is more than this one lifetime, and we meet again in another time, another place, let us love each other the way we should've loved each other from the start because I couldn't bare another lifetime missing a piece of my h...
Track: Heaven Is You - Joshua Basset (trust me on this one)
"This moment's all we need to prove that we have reached the highest peak od the mountain" - Yumi
On their last day at the Style's residence, Harry wanted Louis all to himself, as selfish as that sounds. He told his boyfriends that he wanted to show him something dearly.
He just told Louis that he needs to pack an extra change of clothes and any snack that he wanted. Louis just looked at him weirdly and asked consistently but Harry was strong enough to reject those blue puppy eyes. Louis just huffed and pouted before doing what his boyfriends asked of him.
It was 8 in the morning when Harry told him that it was time to go out since they needed to walk for a while before arriving to their 'destination'.
"Lou!" Harry shouted as he fixed his backpack, "Let's go!"
"Coming!" (A/N: ya dirty minded peeps!) Louis shouted back before running down the stairs.
They bid their farewell to Anne before heading out the door. "Where are you taking me?" Louis whined as they started walking out the backyard and onto the woods.
(The backyard, btw. The photo's not mine)
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"I already told you, I'm not telling" Harry said as he moved the twigs that was in his way.
"You going to kill me, because of... fame!" Louis whispered loudly.
"I'm not sadist, babe. I would've killed you in the bed if I wanted to do that" the younger boy replied as he whispered it in Louis' ear,
"Get of off me, you weirdo! You're lucky I love you" the older boy said as he shoved Harry lightly who just laughed while throwing his head back, "But seriously though, how long are we before we get there?"
"15 minutes max" Harry shrugged.
"15 minutes!"
They arrived at the location when Harry covered Louis' eyes, as much to Louis' dismay. His boyfriend just told him that this place means so much to him and this was him letting Louis in more.
"Harry" Louis groaned for almost the hundredth times that day.
"Yes, yes. We're here. Open your eyes in. 3... 2... 1..." Harry replied as he let down his hands from Louis' eyes.
Louis gaped at the sight in front of him. It was a tree house. A small but cozy one.
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