Songs for the chapter:
Count on me
Call me maybe
You belong with me
Last First Kiss
"It's the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world." ― Tahereh Mafi
"You'll be going to a party. On the way, there will be some paps we hired to take your pictures. Louis will go and pick Tina up" Damian discussed
"Tina? Who's Tina?" Harry asked
"Louis' girlfriend" Damian replied,
"I thought Eleanor is his girlfriend"
"No" Damian replied which made Harry more perplexed, "You, Harry will be arriving a few minutes after them to the party"
"Who's party is it, anyways?" Louis butted in,
"Amelia Taylor. Now you have 2 hours to prepare. Dismissed"
"Styles!" Louis came in Harry's room barging,
"Tomlinson" Harry said back,
"Help me with my outfit" Louis said sitting down on Harry's bed,
"Don't you have someone to do that?" Harry said while going through his clothes,
"Yes, I do. But they're for concerts and performances not for parties"
When Harry turned around, he saw Louis looking in the ground, he looked quite sad and offended about what Harry said,
"Fine" Harry agreed,
"Yes!! Come on !!" Louis dragged Harry to his room,
Louis presented Harry some clothes he picked for himself. The first one was a suit and tie, too formal. A t-shirt paired with shorts, too funky. A yellow tie-dye and a pink shorts, too colorful. Pure Black, too depressing. Leather outfit, too rocky.
Harry ended up picking Louis' clothing.
"Can I ask you something?" Harry said while pulling out random shirts and giving it to Louis,
"You already are" Louis said, just receiving everything Harry is giving him,
"Who's Tina? Who's Eleanor? Which one is your girlfriend"
"Neither" is just what Louis' says,
"Huh?! Give me context to 'neither' "
"Well, they're both just PR stunts."
"PR stunts?"
"You picked a job where in you are completely clueless. Ha! PR stunts are like, somewhat fake girlfriends for the fans. You know for publicity but they're really not my girlfriend."
Harry can't help but smile when he knew Louis was still single,
He picked out a grey jumper and jeans.
"This" he gave it to Louis,
Louis began stripping in front of Harry, leaving Harry in a very awkward situation.

Just A Personal Assistant
Fanfiction"Promise me this, if there is more than this one lifetime, and we meet again in another time, another place, let us love each other the way we should've loved each other from the start because I couldn't bare another lifetime missing a piece of my h...