Songs for the chapter:
Run away with me
I'm Gonna be (500 Miles)
Wolves -One Direction
At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, then it is a good day - Simone Biles
They were halfway from the hotel Louis is staying. Things were getting pretty intense since paparazzies are still at their back. They tried different ways to lose them but they couldn't shake them off. They tried taking alternative roads and alleyways but they seem very trained for this type of situations. Harry wasn't the type of guy to get mad at this time of situations but right now he is beginning to flare up, Louis is also mad now, very mad.
Louis was having second thoughts if Harry should be know his ways of avoiding the paparazzies, Louis never told anyone about their ways because he can't really trust no one this days, but it seems the only way to shake this things off their butts.
"Want to have fun?" Louis asks while grinning and looking at Harry,
"What do you mean by fun?" Harry asks,
"You'll see" Louis replied while bringing his phone out,
There was a guy in the other end, perhaps an Irish guy Harry thought because of his accent,
"What's up!?" The guy on the other end of the phone said,
"Liam with you?" Louis asked,
Liam? Liam Payne? Harry asked to himself,
"Yeah his here, Liam!!" the guy in the other end shouted another guy's name
"Hi mate" Liam said
"We need to do the decoy if you want me over" Louis sassily said,
"Decoy?" Harry whispered quietly
"Shh" Louis put his index finger on Harry's lip
"As in now?" Liam asked probably shocked since it is getting dark,
"Yeah" Louis answered quite seriously, "meet me in Regency in 15, bring Niall, someone is with me, get the curly wig"
"fine fine"
And the line went blank,
Harry asked who were the guys he was talking to
"The Irish guy was Niall" Harry did a mental note
"The other one was Liam"
"Liam?" Harry asked trying to make sure he isn't the guy who Harry thinks it is,
"Liam Payne" Louis answered
If Harry was shocked, which he is, he did not show a hint that he was
"Ahhh" is all he said, "What's a decoy?"
"Ohh technically it is like a plan, more like a heist to trick the paparazzies and others who are following us, basically, we stop at somewhere preten- you know what just watch what will happen next"
Harry just nodded,
They stopped in front of the Regency Café. Inside the café is two guys waving at them, Harry assumed that that was Niall and Liam.

Just A Personal Assistant
Fiksi Penggemar"Promise me this, if there is more than this one lifetime, and we meet again in another time, another place, let us love each other the way we should've loved each other from the start because I couldn't bare another lifetime missing a piece of my h...