Chapter 6:Chaesoo

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Jisoo's POV

I was walking when i bumped into a beautiful,sexy and it's.....chaeyoung?Now i'm taking back what i said cause she's the girl who broke my bestfriends heart.

"Jisoo!?"She asked in shock.

"Yeah...the one and only"

"Are you stalking me!!?"

"Woah!Woah!Woah!Excuse me!?You!!!?Why would i?I know that your hot,sexy and all but i will never---"i stopped when i realize what i just said.

"Oh~So you think that i'm hot and sexy?~~"She asked in seductive tone making me hard.Oh gosh..little buddy not now!!

"i-i well ermm...Sh-shut up!I-it's arghh!I hate you!"And that's when i quickly walk away from her before someone notice the little jisoo of mine.


3rd person's POV

-in the mall-

Rosé is smilling like an remembering jisoo blushing while her friends are looking at her confusely.

"Is she okay?"-Sana whispered to the two.

"I don't know...i think she's high"-Dahyun replied.

"no way!.."-Jihyo shouted making rosé go back to the reality.

"Yah!What's wrong with you!!?"Rosé askes as she eyed jihyo.Or more like a glare because of interrupting her dream with jisoo.

"No!What is wrong with you!?"The three asked crossing their arms.


"Goddamnit Yes!You're smilling like a teenage girl who got notice by her crush... ..Wait!Don't tell me you got notice by jisoo!"They asked in unison.Then Rosé blush hearing 'jisoo'.So she quickly changed the subject.

"Hey!I heard that lisa is making moves to jennie...let's go visit her..I kinda miss Our Baby lis"

She quickly leave her friends whose smirking and looking at eachother,making a devil plan.


-Rose in her car


*Knock* *knock* *knock*

it's jisoo..oh gosh.Keep it cool,rosé!Keep it cool.

"You're really stalking me,are you!?Tell me!Do you like me!!?"

"W-what are you talk-talking about!!?"She stutterd.Based on her reaction...i think i have a chance~

"I-i just want to ask you since your friend with lisa...And i heard that jennie is with her...Can you uhmmm give me her address?"

"I can drive you there...Hop in!"I said with a flirty smile making her blush.

I pull up my skirt a bit and opened the door for her.I can clearly see her keep glancing at my legs making me smirk.

'1 point' hihihihi..

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