Chapter 21:Obssesed

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Third Person's POV

Lisa stay in the mansion while the others are finding jennie.She wants to go find and protect her baby's daddy but she can't.All she can do right now is pray for their safety.


Jennie's POV

Silence.Dark Room.Obssesed rapist.and me.I've been here for almost half a month now or more?..i don't really remember.

I regret it.At first,i don't.I really need her right now.I miss her face,her voice,her hugs and kisses.I miss my Lisa.

I want to go to her but i can't.

I was lying in bed while looking at nowhere.It's so dark here.Not until,i heard a crack noise and the door opens revealing the light from outside this room.

I can't see it's face of the person who open the door but i already know who it is.

"Nancy....what do you want now?"I ask in low voice but enough for her to hear.

"I brought you water..I know your tired after making love to me"She said sweetly?i don't think so.It's so disgusting for me.And what did she say again?Make love?Is she joking?She raped me!She fucking raped me!!

But ofcourse i didn't say that or she will beat me again.I can't fight.I'm tired.I'm hungry and i'm tied.

"You still don't want to talk to me!!?"She shouted and throw me the water.

I didn't flinch causing her to get angry more.

"What's so special about that ManoBITCH!!?THAT SLU-"

"Call her that again or you'll die"A familliar voice said making me look at where the voice is.

It's sehun.

I knew it!Nancy can't take me in this private island without anyone's help.

"Daebak!The One and Only Oh Sehun is helping this nanSHIT!Unbelievable!"I said in a sarcastic way.


"What did you just call me!!?"

"Nanshi-"I didn't finish my word when nancy slap me really hard.


"Oh..Is this what they called lover's quarrel?Interesting.Hmm how's your sex earlier by the way.Is it good?I wonder what lisa felt when she found out about this"He said and take a flashdrive.

"Y-you r-re-record it?"

"Oh ye-"He got cutted off when a



"Oh fucking shit!"Sehun reveal his gun and went outside.

"Oh my god.."Nancy take the rope off of my neck and drag me.

"Wait!Take this off so i can run too"I said pointing to my foot.She's panicking so without knowing..she take the rope off and was about to hold my hands when i kick her and run outside quickly.

"Come back here!"She shouted but i just continue to run.

I turn around and saw her fighting to Yeri.She shouted me a 'run' so i just run again.

I was running when i heard a gunshot.


Oh my god

I run faster than earlier but to my luck..i trip.

"Fuck" i mumble and stand up again trying to run but my ankle hurts.

I heard a footsteps getting closer and i hide to the bushes.

"Jennie baby~Where are you??HAHAHAHA Come out now!I miss you baby~"Nancy shouted.She's crazy!!!!

"I love you jennie.We can live happily if your idiot friends didn't came.I want to be with you jen.And also i have a good news for you.Just come out first baby~"

I can feel my heart beats loudly every time she comes closer and closer and closer to mine.

"Hmm you don't want to?Okay then..I want to tell this to you jen.Maybe it can make you come out.Jennie honey?I'm pregnant.And it's yours."She said in a dark scary voice.And when she didn't heard a response..she continued,

"You don't have a choice anymore.Lisa will leave you if she found out about this"


"You see...she don't really love you..Jennie~jennie~jennie~Can't you see?Lisa have been acting strange and always go out to meet sehun."

That's not true

"And ofcourse..she didn't tell you that.She just acting that she loves you but the true is she don't.She's just doing it because sehun told her."

She's lying

"Just give up jen.I know that you love me too and this baby in my womb..Let's get married.Marry me jen,will you?"She asked.

"Am i just talking to myself?Aissh.."She said and i heard her footsteps slowly fading.

I take a long deep breath and wait for a minutes before going out of the bushes.

I look around and saw no one but...



I run again when she suddenly appear in my back when i turn around.


"NOOO-"I cutted when i heard a gun shot and feel a pain in my left leg but luckily it's not that injured.It's just scratch but it still hurts.I keep running but to my luck again..i trip.


"Jennie...i love you"She said when she reach where i am.

"And i want you" She said and step on my injured ankle making me wince in pain.

"If i can't have you?"She step on my ankle harder.

"then no one can"She said in a more scary voice.I heard the gun shot and.........

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