F O R T Y - F O U R

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The girl gulped thickly, feeling the knife pressed between the flesh of the girl's neck, blood running down

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The girl gulped thickly, feeling the knife pressed between the flesh of the girl's neck, blood running down. She held his wrist, twisting it backwards and counter-clockwise, her knee hitting his groin and shoving him away with a soft grunt. Another one launched at her. However, she ducked quickly, throwing an uppercut to his abdomen, the man letting out a groan out of pain as he fell to the floor, out of breath.

Just remember what Taeyong taught you - she thought to herself; to allow her body to move not because she has to. Nor because she wants to. But because it was only natural.

A knife pierced through the side of her thigh, the girl gasping before allowing her body to move freely on its own. Her attacker was soon hit with a right jab, followed by a left hook, smashing her elbow down his back once he had crouched down in pain. She huffed out. Three down, around twenty-something left to go.

You're probably wondering why no one has pulled out a gun yet.

Jiyeon thought about that too, but she figured it was to avoid the attention of innocent civilians.

She found herself cornered by a larger man, who held a bat, which was covered in blades of all sorts. He held it up high, the girl's eyes widening slightly.

That was when the glass of the windows broke, Chan's feet landing softly on the larger man's shoulders, his gun pressed into his ear before he pulled the trigger, ears ringing and blood gushing out everywhere, leaving a velvety red stain on the latter's white T-shirt. Chan jumped away from the dead corpse, landing softly next to Jiyeon with a small click of his shoes.

"You sure do look beat up," He muttered boldly, the girl sending him a glare.

"Not my fault you were late..."

"I wasn't late. You were just early," he sent her a look while shooting down a couple of men.

"How are we supposed to survive this train ride?! No one could have missed that!!"

"It was either that or you'd die. And I couldn't afford that to happen," Chan spoke whilst he continuously shot at his targets.

However, one of the men somehow slipped past his bullets, shooting a bullet of his own straight into Chan's shoulder. He flinched painfully, and awkwardly. Though his gaze and motive never faltered. "Jiyeon, get out of here," he muttered, though he received no response. ".. Jiyeon??"

He hadn't noticed that she had blended in with the men, seeing as they shared similar clothing, pulling out her knife, sliding the professionally sharpened blade over the shooter's veins, blood splurging to her face as he slowly bled out. Her leg kicked up, she hit the gun out of his hold, sending it upwards. She then held onto it, turning to shoot a couple of the men down.

Chan smirked, seemingly proud. However, he couldn't help but furrow his brows at a strange whistle. There was this feeling in his gut; an alert of danger. His eyes scanned the wagon before noticing some sort of smoke leaking from the tube

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