F I F T Y - O N E

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His yelling paused for quite a while, the male had made a double-take to make sure he was seeing right before letting out a string of a melodic whistle unintentionally, his eyes observing her carefully as he leaned against the wall beside him

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His yelling paused for quite a while, the male had made a double-take to make sure he was seeing right before letting out a string of a melodic whistle unintentionally, his eyes observing her carefully as he leaned against the wall beside him. He had not seen her on the cameras, because she wasn't seated anywhere near one. But it took only one look at her and the male was left breathless. The girl grew warm and embarrassed at his reaction, not really expecting such action from him.

He approached her almost automatically, the clicking of his dress shoes seeming almost hypnotic to the ears, hands ghosting over her body once he found himself towering over her from behind, the latter beginning to feel herself grow smaller under the gaze he had casted down on her as though it was a veil that surrounded the two with a tremendous amount of warmth, that began to bubble and stir in the very pits of their stomach.

At first, all forms of touch was hesitant; was it really okay? It was almost as if she was an untouchable treasure that was sent from above, beautiful and alluring that you would only wish to grasp, but also seeming fragile and ethereal like a one-sided hourglass, that would spill its mystical contents if it tipped ever so slightly.

Eventually, the male placed his hands over her hips with a secure grip, rubbing circles over the clothed area before pulling her until her back met his chest. She could feel his breath against her neck, goosebumps forming as chills went down her spine. One of his hands moved over her abdomen, right underneath the curvature of her chest, his hand setting fire to the satin-covered skin under his touch. His face leaned in to whisper in her ear.

".. How about you save that foul language of yours for me instead?"

The girl gulped, feeling her skin heating up at the sound of his low voice, the base of his voice setting her nerves ablaze. Her eyes met his past the reflection of the mirror, where he'd studied her facial expressions, just as he once had to study the artistic images that his mind could imagine of what could be a possible future for the two. Slowly, but surely, the male allowed his hand to trail upwards, over her chest. His hand had cupped one of her breasts gently, shivering slightly at how it fit perfectly in his hold, as well as by the softness of it, maintaining eye contact to make sure she was okay with this.

The male's ears were burning a harsh crimson red, all of his blood rushing to them with a slight layer of redness dusting over his cheeks. His hand shivered once more at the building tension between them, eventually, both hands trailing over to her neck with the tips of his fingers crawling on top of her figure, moving her hair away from her shoulders before leaning over.

At first, the girl expected him to pepper her neck with kisses as he usually would. This is why she jumped with a small yelp escaping her lips when she felt his teeth grazing her skin, his tongue running along with the rim of the skin that was caught in between his teeth.

The girl grasped onto his forearms, feeling the ridges of his veins underneath her touch as she shuddered once more, her breathing falling out of rhythm. And soon, the male's breathing grew unsteady as well. Her right hand moved upwards to stroke his nape, the male answering with a pleased 'hum', his eyes trained on her face past the mirror-like a starved predator who had grasped onto his prey.

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