A Memory!

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Chapter 13

Chapter 13// A memory...

The morning went very fast with lots of training and practice. Both Rocky and grandpa were quite impressed at how well Aiden was learning and quick she was as well.

Rocky was becoming very proud of her. Even Colt and Tum Tum couldn't believe her fast skills.

The morning was warm and bright on a June day.

After their practice Grandpa has asked everyone to sit on the back porch because he had a neat surprise for his grandsons.

"Now everyone, I have a surprise for you. It's further in the woods, so please follow me carefully." Grandpa explained. He had his walking stick.

Rocky went looking for some for his brothers, Aiden and himself since he didn't know how long they would be walking.

They walked further into the woods and it took them twenty minutes to get to their destination.

When they arrived, Rocky noticed there was long, thin red ropes wrapped around the trees and it would stretch far across the spaces in between to the next tree, looking like a maze. Rocky and the others grew curious.

Grandpa walked them to the front of it and for some reason Rocky found himself get excited and nervous at the same time.

"What's all this, grandpa?" Rocky suddenly asked, standing next to Aiden. He couldn't read her expression at all.

The wind seemed to pick up as Grandpa began to explain everything.

"Over the fall, and spring months a group to my friends help me made this really big obstacle maze."

"Through the maze I set booby traps that you can trigger and there are hidden ninja dummies that you must fight."

The boys' eyes widen in shock and impressiveness.

"Wow grandpa!"

"I'm gonna have you all on a time limit to get to the middle of the maze." Grandpa continued explaining, taking out his time watch.

"What do we get if we make it to the Center?" Tum Tum blurted out in question.

"I'll keep that a surprise." Grandpa said, chuckling a little. This made everyone tingling with curiosity.

"Everyone at the entrance, please." Grandpa ordered.

Automatically Rocky grabbed Aidens hand and pulls her with him to the starting line.

Grandpa was there waiting for them with his silver stop watch. He giggles at Rocky's sudden actions and cleared his throat.

Colt and Tum Tum followed with wicked smirks on their faces. They were totally going to tease their older brother later.

"Oh yes and I want you to all go different ways and no helping each other." Grandpa added in. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"On the count of three."

"One, two, three." Grandpa clicked the timer button on his stop watch and everyone sprinted into the maze, each of them going off in their own direction.

Rocky felt a little worried letting Aiden go off in another direction by herself in the woods. He remembered the last few times they been outside when the strange man tried to hurt her, and when she just stood at the end of the hill, staring blankly up at the trees above them for a long period of time.

Rocky went left and he went in all different ways through the maze, using the best of his skills to get through it. He could hear Colt, and Tum Tum talking on the other side of the maze.

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