The night before her first lesson, grandpa had presented Aiden with a spare karate outfit and said the next time they go shopping they could pick up a coloured outfit if she wanted. Aiden really loved the colour orange.
The boys were still fast asleep and grandpa had to wake up four kids now instead of three. He had to come up with other ways for waking them up in the morning.
He thought it would be runny to wake them up with a smelly sock! He had gone through his laundry in the morning and found the oldest, smelliest sock in the pile he hasn't washed for months. He then tied it to a stick and put something on his nose to keep the smell out.
The sock smelt so bad he thought he would lose his breakfast. He got one of his childhood fishing rods and he stuck the stinky sock onto a newer fish hook he had.
He held his breathe a bit and quietly went up the spiral staircase to the loft where the boys where sound asleep in their sleeping bags.
He first went to a Rocky's side of the loft and put the sock towards his oldest grandsons sleeping face. It took a few seconds but soon Rocky's face scrunched up in disgust.
Mori tried his best not to giggle and he put his hands over his mouth. A few minutes later Rocky's blue green eyes fluttered open and he saw his grandpa holding the stinky sock above his head.
Rocky slapped the sock away and turned the other direction.
"Awww grandpa that reaks!" Rocky screeched he tries to fling the sock away with his hands but grandpa is quick to pull it away while chuckling.
Rocky was awake and got himself ready. Before that though he wanted to see how Colt would respond to the smelly sock. For some reason Rocky thought Colt or Tum Tum won't be bothered by the smell of the sock because they had old, mouldy and stinky socks scattered all through out their bedroom at home.
Rocky wondered if grandpa would also test Aiden now, too, since they have accepted her into their training routine.
Rocky finished putting on his green karate outfit and he turns to watch Grandpa crawl over towards a very sleeping Colt.
Grandpa lowered the string with the sock right over Colt's nose. It wasn't a surprise to Rocky that Colt hadn't budged a though it surprised grandpa for sure.
Mori wondered if he had to think of another idea to wake up his middle grandsons.
He then started brushing the end of the sock over Colt's face and nose back and forth and back and forth.
A few minutes later Colt began to stir and his face scrunched up like Rocky's had done prior. Finally he opened his brown eyes and grumbled, then smiled back at grandpa.
"Awww grandpa, that's sick!" Colt sprung up and tried to roll out of the way from the smell of the sock. Grandpa found it funny and chuckled.
Colt grabs his blue ninja suit and went to change. Grandpa moved onto Tum Tum next because he was last.
"Hey grandpa, can I test Aiden myself this morning?" Rocky questioned out of the blue before he went downstairs and into the backyard.
Grandpa just nodded his head because he knew Rocky wanted to wake up his new friend instead and he wanted to focus on waking up the youngest in the group. Sometimes it was harder to get Tum Tum to wake up.
As usual Tum Tum has a bag of candy laying on his breathing tummy and his mouth was completely open. Grandpa thought of a great idea and he knew Tum would wake up this way.
He slowly drew the string towards Tum Tums bag of candy and there was a big opening so he was able to quietly put the sock inside. Just as he thought, Tum Tum awoke and looked at Grandpa with a "are you serious?" Expression on his face.
He grabbed the sock and tossed it to the side and grandpa, Colt and Rocky burst out laughing. Rocky left the loft and climbed down the stairs, heading towards his grandpas small living room.
Aiden has agreed to sleep on the couch and Rocky made sure she was super comfortable with a ton of pillows and blankets.
Rocky was looking down and watching Aiden's peaceful, sleeping figure. She had the blankets pulled up to her chest and her arm were over her head, her long hair a mess all over her pillows and her mouth was closed.
Rocky thought she was a gorgeous angel. It was as if he is in a trance, staring at her sleeping face. He almost felt bad for having to wake her.
He then found himself staring directly at her adorable, small lips. He didn't realize he was starting to lean in closer nor could he hear his two younger brothers giggling close by.
Rocky then reached out and traced along the side of Aidens face, making sure to be gentle and careful not to stir her awake. Aiden didn't budge.
Then Rocky crouched over ever so slowly and kissed her on the forehead.
He desperately wanted to land on her lips, but he knew against his better judgement that he shouldn't without her permission.
When he pulled away, he found Aiden wide awake and smiling up at him very cutely. She was blushing as well.
He blushed back and suddenly, Colt and Tum
Tum left the room in bursts of laughter.Rocky could feel his entire body flare up with heat and the awkwardness in the air was so thick he swore he could feel the silence mocking his brave and yet, stupid way to wake up a girl.
"G-good morning Rocky." Aiden greeted, lightly pushing the covers off of her. She kept a good eye contact on Rocky's expression and was trying to figure out his weird silence.
She had known he kissed her, of course. She was awake secretly and could feel his body heat as he was leaning over her and she could recognize the light sound or his soft breathing.
Quite frankly, Aiden was overjoyed and happy that Rocky has kissed her like that.
She got up afterwards and she followed Rocky and his brothers outside to grandpas backyard.
Authors note:
Hey friends! I finally posted!! Woohoo! I'm so sorry for the long delay! I had a very nice birthday party, just a small one and now I gotta get started on Christmas shopping!
Even though I always wind up broke lol. Oh well! Have you guys started opening your Advent calendars? I did!!
It looks like Aiden and Rocky are getting much closer, hehe!!! I hope you all really enjoyed this episode!!! I'll try and post again soon and I'll reply to comments when I can!
Thank you all for 1K as well! And 13 favourites! I am really surprised and thankful! I never thought this story would get so much love!!! I appreciate all of my readers!!! Bye for now and I'll see ya in my next post!!
Christmas is almost here already!!! :O

The Unknown Girl! (Tittle might change)
Roman d'amourThis is a Rocky centered story where he falls for a girl who mysteriously has amnesia and been wondering around grandpas cabin! Where did she come from? Who is she really and will they be able to find out about her family and her past? Read more to...