Familiar Stranger or...sralker?

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Chapter 9: A Stranger or Sralker?

The next Rocky was back to normal. He was excited to wake up and get ready for his ninja lessons after breakfast. To be safe he asked Stephanie to stay back inside the cabin for a while until they were done and then they could head out.

During the time they would practice, Rocky kept an eye out for the stranger that Stephanie keeps seeing and wonders if he would show up unexpectedly again.

Stephanie was watching tv and finishing her breakfast when she decided to surprise Rocky and the others and clean up the cabin, since they would be doing their ninja training until lunch time.

She also thought it would be nice to get the boys lunch all ready for them and the idea made her excited.

She jumps off the couch and immediately went searching through the closets for Mori's cleaning tools.

She was rummaging through all the cupboards when all of a sudden she hears the back foot of the cabin open and a pair of heavy footsteps.

Stephanie froze and felt a wave of anxiety explode all over the inside of her body. She shook the thought and wondered if Rocky or one of his brothers was returning and forgot something or finished early.

"Hey guys are you hungry? I was just about to-." She stops in her tracks and stands still when she turns around and saw somebody else that wasn't Rocky or one of his family members.

It was that guy again! From yesterday's incident and the same guy from the mall! How did he find out where she was and why was he following her in the first place?!

Her heart pounded and her fists clenched. She wanted to scream for Rocky, but she decided to hear out the man and wait for him to make a move.

The man was silent at first and his eye were glaring at Stephanie. It was as if they are having angry staring contest, until the man finally spoke.

"I finally found you, Aiden!! So this is where your hiding?" The man said through gritted teeth and clenched, dirty knuckles.

Stephanie tilted her head in a confused expression and still kept her eyes glued to the tall man. She was getting more and more nervous.

"What...what are you t-talking ab-about? I don't know who you are!" The man was dressed all in black and his t shirt had what appeared to be holes in it and stains that made it looked like smudge chalk.

His eyes were green like emerald and his hair is long and black. He had a black beard around his thin mouth and he had one pierced ear.

His hands and face looked as if he hadn't had a bath in ages and he even reaked!!

Stephanie glances around the room, the one thing that Rocky taught her is that you can use everything and anything around you as a weapon of perfection.

"You must have lost your memory somehow when you ran away." He snarled.

He took a step forward and Stephanie's adrenaline started kicking in.

She stepped back and asked.

"What do you mean?"

But the man didn't explain any further and advanced towards her, storming across the wooden floor. The sound of his leather boots stamping in Stephanies memory.

She took a breathe and screamed out.



Authors note!

Dun dun dun........a cliff hanger!

Will Rocky come to...Aidens rescue? Lol

What did you all think of this update?

I didn't get many comments in my last update so I decided to post! I will not be updating as much until I get at least one or two comments!

Comments are fuel, friends! Lol I hope your all doing good and keeping safe! I will reply to comments as soon as I can!

Have a nice day and I hope you enjoyed this!!

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