Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"So what your saying is, she has no idea her name or where her family is?" Grandpa asked after Rocky explained what happened in the forest earlier.

"No, I have no idea who she is. Everything doesn't make sense. How can she be dangling off a cliff with amnesia?" Rocky pointed out.

"I feel like, I'm supposed to watch over her. I found cuts and bruises all over her arms and it made me wonder if she was getting abused in her precious home, even if she doesn't know who they are." Rocky explains further.

Colt and grandpa were both surprised. Grandpa already has a feeling he knows what's about to come next.

"Grandpa, d-do you think maybe she can stay w-with is for a bit? Just until we can find out who her family are?"

Grandpa stared at Rocky for a long time with a serious look in his eyes and he sighs heavily.

"Let's just take her back to the cabin, get her cleaned up and some food in her and then we will take it from there." Grandpa offers.

Rocky smiled widely and nodded, even though it wasn't the exact answer he wanted, he knew that it meant he could get to know this girl a little more. While she is getting all cleaned up, Rocky and his brothers can figure out a name for her.

Colt looked surprised at his grandpas decision but followed along anyway.

Rocky took the girls hand and told her they would take her back to their cabin to get freshened up and have a yummy meal. The girl was very thankful.

*back at the cabin

During the whole walk back to grandpa's place, Rocky and Colt were trying to pick a new name for the girl Rocky had rescued.

Grandpa was completely quiet, trying to find out where he will let the girl sleep for the next little while.

"What do you think of Samantha?" Colt suggested, thinking hard on girl names.

He didn't know a whole lot because he never really been a situation where he needed to.

Rocky thought about it and looks at the mystery girl as they walked, shaking his head.

"She doesn't look like a Samantha to me." Rocky whisperers, although he secretly did lie the name.

Colt agreed and tries coming up with more names.

"What do you think?" Colt asks. Rocky thought a bit more about some names he liked for girls.

Rocky wasn't sure at first. He smirks and thought about some girl names he always thought were pretty.

"I always kind of liked the name Stephanie." (Might change her name later lol) Rocky explained.

Colt shook his head and they decided that would be their new friends name.

They finally made it back to the cabin. Tum tum was waiting for them at the table, already eating cold slices of pizza for lunch.

"Rocky you made it back!" Tum Tum excitedly said and tossed his piece on his plate so he could go hug Rocky.

Rocky smiled and hugged his little brother.

"Hey Tum!" Rocky said, ruffling his little brothers dark hair. Tum Tum scrunched his face in disgust and then notice the young girl walking into the cabin with Colt and grandpa following behind.

Rocky turns and sees his new friend gazing around at her surroundings, mouth agape.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" She whispers, mostly to herself. Rocky and Colt giggles a little and Rocky went to grab her hands.

"Here, I'll clean you up a bit first and then give you a grand tour. Grandpa, can you whip her something up for lunch? Please?" Rocky asked.

Grandpa waved them off and went to the kitchen to get started on a grilled cheese sandwich.

Rocky took Steph to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet. He still didn't understand why she was covered in cuts and bruises all over her.

"I'm just going to get some towels and rubbing alcohol and maybe after lunch you can have a nice hot bath." Rocky suggested. The girl just sat and stared at him, thanking him softly.

Colt came at some point to ask if his older brother needed any assistant, and Rocky asked him to grab a few pillows, blankets and tylenol.

"Do you have a headache from when you said you hit your head?" Rocky asked his friend as he dabbed some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and gently tapped it on her cute.

She nodded her head and her eyes sparkled in admiration for Rocky. She couldn't believe how nice he's being to her. She knows she doesn't remember her past much but she figured she must have come from a harmful home because of all the bruises she had everywhere.

Rocky finished tending to Stephanie's wounds and she hardly twitched or winced at all. After they cleaned up and colt came back with Tylenol, grandpa called them back into the kitchen to have lunch. Rocky gave her a few fruits and a nice glass of juice.

Throughout the whole meal it was quite quiet.

Rocky was anxiously waiting for the girl to finish or at least start talking. During the meal, grandpa went to set up a place for her to sleep in the small living room he had.

"So, I guess you can't remember anything about your family or where you live or even how you wound up in the woods?" Rocky suddenly spit out.

Stephanie pauses taking a bite out of her gooey sandwich and answered fast by shaking her head.

"I'm sorry! I don't really even know why I was in the woods to begin with. I try to think about it but it's all a blur." The girl answers, feeling her heart sink. She really wanted to help her new friend find answers.

Rocky sighs heavily and took a quick breathe.

"It's alright, maybe it will come back to you at some point." The girl smiles and nodded, continuing her meal.

Rocky went to grab Colt and Tum Tum in the meantime.

"I want to introduce you to my little brothers."

"This is Jeffery who is known by his ninja name Colt and this is Michael who is known by his ninja name Tum Tum." Rocky explains.

Colt waves and Tum Tum gives her a thumbs up.

"Nice to meet you. Why do you names?"

Stephanie took her last bite out of her fruit and Rocky explained about how every summer since they were little they been going to their grandpas cabin to learn the fighting skills of ninjitsu.

Stephanie thought it was quite cool and interesting.

"Can I maybe watch you guys?" She was very curious to know how the boys trained.

At that, Rocky began to get shy and blushed. Colt snickered and Tum Tum just rolled his eyes.

"Sure, we already did our training today but tomorrow you can if you want. We get up super early in the morning to start."

"Yah and every morning grandpa gives us little tests." Tum Tum added in.

"Oh really?"

Rocky smiled as he watches his brothers talk to Stephanie and he studied her. He wonders why he had found her in the woods the way he did.

Did she live close by? Where was her family and how were they going to find them in the first place?!


Authors note: hey guys what do you think of this chapter?! Who do you think this mysterious Girl is?? What's gonna happen next?? Stay tuned to find out!!

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