Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The next morning Rocky, Colt and Tum Tum woke up early in the morning like they usually do for ninja training.

Rocky woke up extra early to check on Stephanie to see if she still was sleeping and looked comfortable.

He quickly got his ninja suit and climbed down the spiral staircase from the loft he and his brothers slept on. He could hear Colt trying to wake up Tum Tum.

He tip toes into the small living room grandpa had added onto the cabin and could see her spread across the couch, her long hair all over the place and she definitely looked like she had a good sleep and she was adorable in Rocky's eyes.

He smirked and then heard his grandpa moving around the cabin outside, which peeked his curiosity.

He went out the front door and all of a sudden a basket fell down with some balloons filled with water in them. There was about three.

Surprised, he managed to punch them all and he got completely wet from all of them.

Grandpa was hiding in the bushes laughing at his oldest grandson and was getting the next two baskets ready.

"Good dodging, Rocky!" Grandpa complimented.

"Thanks grandpa." Rocky smiles. He slips out of the way for grandpa to get ready to refill the baskets and use them on his younger brothers.

Rocky went around the corner and picked up one of the weapons his grandpa set up on the table for him and his brothers.

He decided to work with nun chucks. The rest of the morning the three boys practiced ninjitsu with their grandpa in the backyard as Stephanie continued to sleep.

She managed to wake up right before they came into the house to shower and get ready for breakfast.

Grandpa started cooking away and once Stephanie got dressed she helped rocky set the table.

She realized she has was wearing the same outfit since last night and it was starting to smell.

She clears her throat to get Rocky's attention and he looks up in curiosity.

"Um, Rocky..." She said while they set up the table together.


"I hope you don't mind me asking, but is there anyway I can get a new outfit? This one is pretty batteries up and torn from yesterday, plus I slept in it. I hope it's okay.." Stephanie pointes out.

Rocky looks up at his friend and discovered that she was right. Her outfit was very wrinkled and over warn, plus she had a difficult day yesterday and it had been all torn up from when she fell in the woods.

Rocky thought about it and nodded.

"After breakfast we shall find you something." He answered back.

Breakfast was delicious and quick. Rocky and his brothers talked about their training that morning, explaining to Stephanie what they did while she was sleeping and Rocky of course, tried to show off to her.

Rocky then mentioned to grandpa that Stephanie didn't have anything fresh and new to wear since yesterday. He was wondering if they can go to town and pick out a few things for her.

Grandpa agreed but then he thought about it for a bit.

"I think I have some of Jessica's old clothes around here as well. Why not I let you guys look through those that she can wear and then I'll take you all out to the city for lunch in the afternoon and we can get her some new things." Grandpa explained.

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