The two stayed like that for what seemed like forever. They almost fell asleep to the sound of wildlife around them.
It almost felt like the world around them was none existence.
They had grown very comfortable with each other and Aidens tears eventually disappeared into the pebbles underneath her dangling feet.
Then all of a sudden, Rocky perked up and got a brilliant idea!
"I know, Aiden! You can live with my mom and my family!"
Aidens eyes widen in shock.
"We have a spare room my parents been working on for a long time I'm sure you can share with your sisters or we can have it where some of you stay with my grandpa!?" Rocky explained with excitement.
He knew his mom would love to have female company at the Douglas household.
Aiden was equally excited and yet unsure as well.
"Are you sure we aren't imposing?" Aiden asked her face lifting to joy.
Rocky nodded his head. "I'm sure she'll love you guys! We will call her tomorrow and see what we can arrange for you guys. Don't worry, Aiden. We will figure it out."
Aidens smiles warmly she wrapped her arms around Rocky tightly and she pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
Rocky was taken aback by surprise but he sunk into the kiss quickly and felt his whole insides tie up in knots and fluttering butterflies.
He hoped that Aiden and him will become more than friends and that his family will adopt Aiden and her sisters.
He wouldn't have it any other way!
The end!
Authors note: wow I can't believe this is the end I honestly thought this story was almost 30 chapters, lol. I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who commented, upvoted and gave this story a lot of love! I really appreciate it! I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! I am gonna give u guys shout out my next update and reply to comments later today or in a few days.
Don't worry this won't be my only Rocky story I have a lot planned! Lol so make sure to stay tuned! I just have a question and I don't know if I asked this last time, but...
Do you guys like Aiden and Rocky now as a couple together or Emily and Rocky?! Let me know in the comments and thanks again to you all for sticking by me!!
Hope all my readers are well!!! Xoxoxoxo
Until our next adventure!!!
P.S: would anyone like a sequel from this? Lol just curious!!

The Unknown Girl! (Tittle might change)
RomanceThis is a Rocky centered story where he falls for a girl who mysteriously has amnesia and been wondering around grandpas cabin! Where did she come from? Who is she really and will they be able to find out about her family and her past? Read more to...