~~~Chapter 6 ~~~

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3 ninjas story chapter 6

Chapter 6

The arcade went well and they met up with grandpa at the pizza restraunt across the street an hour later.

Stephanie had tried a few games and won a small prize at the claw game! A little horse stuffed animal and she loved it very much, even though it reminded her of Colt because it was a baby horse.

The five of them ate and then headed back to the cabin. Stephanie was nervously playing with her hands on her lap as they pull into the driveway and Rocky has noticed her sudden nerves.

He put a gentle hand on her shoulder and shook her attention.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Rocky wondered.

Stephanie bites her lips, staring at her bags of clothes from the store they had shopped at previously, avoiding his eye contact.

"I have...something to ask you guys." Stephanie admitted. There was something bugging in the back of her mind that she been wanting to ask the Douglas boys, but she wasn't sure they would allow her to do her request.

"Sure, ask away." Rocky said. The car drove into the side of the cabin and grandpa turns of the wagon, getting out of the vehicle. Colt and Tum Tum got out while Rocky stays behind with Stephanie in the back seat.

All went quiet and the air around them grew thicker and the wind picked up a little more.

Stephanie turns towards Rocky and that was the first time he ever really noticed her features and realized how absolutely beautiful she really was.

"I'm a little worried, Rocky. What's gonna happen with me now? Am I going to stay with you and your grandpa forever? And I'm wanting to know if I am, would you and your grandpa teach me the art of ninja?" Stephanie said all together.

Rocky was looking at her with a tilted head and squinted his bright blue eyes. His ashy blonde hair blew against his forehead and he thought hard.

Those were questions that had been nagging him all day since he first met Stephanie. He really didn't know what they were gonna do because she did have a home and a family, they just didn't know or remember who they were.

Stephanie doesn't know her actual name or anything about herself! He felt as thought he was supposed to take care of her and protect her as much as he could. Even though he had just met, Rocky had been feeling some kind of connection towards Stephanie.

She was definitely a lot different than his previous girlfriend, Emily.

Rocky stared back intently at Stephanie and sighed.

"Honestly, I don't know, Stephanie! I want you to stay with my grandpa and brothers. I'll take care of you and eventually we will find out about who your family is. As for learning ninjitsu, we can ask my grandpa together and see if he will help teach you when my brothers and I practice." Rocky explained. He wondered why Stephanie wanted to learn karate all of a sudden.

Stephanie smiles warmly and gave Rocky a hug.

"Thank you!" Rocky nodded and they both exit the car, rocky taking Stephanies bags out from the back seat.

....later that day

The rest of the day Stephanie and Rocky grew closer together and Colt and Tum Tum spent a lot of their time either helping grandpa with chores or watching tv.

Rocky would show Stephanie some of Grandpas old fighting weapons and some of the training stuff they would use.

She showed her Colt's ninja stars, Tum Tums nunchucks and his own staff that he made last summer. He had been working on it himself and has yet to use it.

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