Chapter 17 ~~~

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It was a few hours later and the two were stuck inside the room still, hungry and quiet. They haven't spoke much and took turns taking naps. Rocky then was thinking of an idea.

"I think I thought of a way to get out of here." Rocky said his eyes where glued to the silver bucket on the floor he was surprised he had completely forgot about it.

"R-Really?! H-how?" Aiden was excited and scared at the idea and very intrigued at the thought of escaping.

"See that bucket over there?" During the night the room has become more hot and humid. Rocky and Aiden we're both sweating by now. There were only the cot, bucket and broom. They had no clock on the wall nor windows to help bring in any sunshine or moonlight.

So they basically had no idea what time it was.

Aiden nodded her head.

"I have an idea where you somehow pretend that your in agony of some sort. I want you to scream as loudly as you can until you get your fathers attention. He comes storming into the room and I hide behind the door in the corner. As soon as he walks in, bam! I slam him over the head with the bucket."

Rocky said. " Once he's knocked out I can look for my walky talkie and contact colt and Tum

To find us and we can get your sisters to com with us to escape!" Aiden loved the idea of his plan and at the same time she was terrified...what if something didn't go right? She shook her head and told herself to think positively.

"Alright, lets do it." She told him with a confident tone she gave him a warm smile and pumped her fist in the air as if they had victory already.

Rocky smiles and kisses her on the forehead without hesitation and went over to the small cot they shared with each other.

"I'll need to get ready first before our plan goes into action. I'll give you a signal when I want you to start panicking." Rocky explained. Aiden nodded her head in understanding.

Rocky went over to the cot and began to drag it across the floor until it was next to the doorframe, being careful not to be too loud.

Aiden then got the silver bucket from the corner and then handed it to Rocky. Aiden helped him stand on the cot and then she went and crouched down on the floor in the spot where the cot once was.

They took a deep breathe and stared at at each other for a moment. After giving each other a thumbs up Aiden and Rocky where ready to begin their plan.

Aiden was about to cry out in a loud painful screaming fit when suddenly, they hard a click of the door lock. Their eyes exchange a worry expression and they both stood still, holding their breathes and they looked at each other at if it was their last breathe.

"Hello, Aiden?" Aiden never felt better in her life or relived before when she heard her gentle sisters soft voice on the other side of the door.

"Oh Kylie, it's just you." Aiden said. "Hold on Rocky, it's ok it's just my sister."

Aiden took a sigh of relief and Rocky jumped off the cot, scaring Kylie a little.

"Sorry there." Rocky said in a small voice. Aiden put a hand on Kylie gently she was holding a tray with food and she closed the door behind her.

"What's going on!? Where's father?" Aiden questioned she was staring at the food and her hunger pain was super bad at that point.

"He stepped out for a few hours so I decided to bring you guys dinner." Rocky set down the bucket and brought the cot closer again so they could eat. He then thought of a question to ask.

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