We're ready

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Do you know how hard it is being the twin of Luke Hemmings? Very hard I will tell you! It's also very hard being around his super attractive friends and not being able to do anything about it. His friends were so flipping attractive but also so nice and it was just the perfect mix!

I was the youngest of the Hemmings' children and the only girl. It's kinda awesome having three older brother's though. I want some ice cream? They will each go out and buy me a different kind. And money? I'm literally rolling in the dough. I'm very sneaky. Luke leaves money around all the time and I take it off the table and then act like I have no idea where it went.

"Mum! Please! Please let me go!" Luke and his band were heading over to L.A to meet with their management and Luke offered to bring me with him but my parents didn't want me going that far away. "I'll be with Luke and all the boys! I'm old enough, Mum. Please!" I said. She was reluctant to let me go and he was leaving next week.

"Lil, I need to think about it." Luke would be gone for a few weeks and if they decided to go on a world tour, he will be gone for nearly a year. "What about school?"

"I'm eighteen. I can clearly dropout." I said as she finished making dinner and called everyone down. Me and Luke sat on the same side while Jack and Ben sat on the other and our parents sat on the ends. Luke was all smiley as we sat at the table and no one was talking before my Mum excused herself for a minute and came back with a camera and an envelope.

"Lilia, we have something for you." I looked around and everyone was smiling at me. I slowly took the envelope from her hands and I opened it. It was a plane ticket to L.A! I jumped up and screamed.

"No sir! You're lying!" I nearly screamed.

"No we aren't! You're really coming with me!" Luke shouted and I got very emotional. He stood up and hugged me. "The guys will be here soon."

"Thank you so much."

"She only agreed when I bought the ticket." He whispered to me and I went to hug my Mum and Dad.

"You guy's are the best." I said as we sat back down for dinner. I got a text from Ashton asking if they gave me the gift yet and when I went to text back my dad yelled at me.

"No phones at the table!" He yelled and I quickly put the phone away. My dad wasn't the one to yell but when it came to me, he yelled a lot. I wasn't sure why. I thought I was a pretty good kid. Everyone became silent as we ate. That's why Luke was getting me away from here. Maybe it was because whenever I got yelled at, I didn't eat and I have been yelled at for years.

I've been to so many different doctors but my Mum will never believe them. I was diagnosed with anorexia by every single doctor I have been to. My parents don't believe that there is anything wrong with me. But my brother's, my brother's know. I wasn't hungry anymore and I mostly just pushed the food around on my plate. Once everyone else was done, my mum cleared the plates and placed dessert on the table.

"May I be excused?" I asked.

"Yes." My dad answered and I quickly rushed upstairs. I heard some yelling once I was up there. I locked the door and sat against it. Our house was big enough for the six of us but my room was the smallest. It was still pink from when I was a baby and the only thing that changed was the posters and the bed. I began packing clothes before there was a knock on the door.

"Go away." I said before I heard a sigh.

"Lil, please." It was Luke. I went over to the door and unlocked it and six boys came walking into the room and Jack locked it once they were all in. They all stood looking at me. They were all much taller than me.

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