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The glowing filled the air and suddenly it posses them. They stopped and looked at the light as it starts changing their outfits.

Sonic was engulfed in a blue flame and his costume from the brown bandana, red sneakers, white gloves, and sports tape disappeared. Black boots, red rubber gloves, and a fire proof bodysuit appears along with a light blue mask with flame design on the back of it. "Call me Blue Flame" Sonic said proudly. Amy was engulfed in pink ice and her costume also changes but doesn't disappear first. She is now wearing a light pink sweater which is also a dress. Her boots became ice skates and her gloves has white snowflakes. Her boots are still the same color scheme but looks more like ice skates. A black and hot pink helmet gets on her head as it seems to cover her vision but isn't actually. "I am Princess Crystal" Amy said confidently.

Tails was engulfed in a orange breeze. His costume with the gloves, shoes, tool belt, hat, and sports tape all disappeared. He now has a light gray jumpsuit and his tails became more fluffy. He got a light brown pilot hat and white goggles that doesn't allow looking at the eyes but the surroundings instead. "Now I'm Orange Wind" he said. Sticks was covered in a light brown water but it isn't dirty. Costume change but nothing taken. Now she's wearing a light brown swimsuit and stained goggles. Her boots are now hover sneakers that'll change into flippers when underwater. "Water Badger" she said and winks at the readers.

Knuckles was engulfed in green leaves and daisies. His costume became a bright green boots and gloves. He got a soft leaf masquerade mask. His suit is the same as the one he wore at "All Fair Sticksy" just with a green and brown color scheme. "What a good name? Um.. what about Echidna Flower? No the Red Daisy" Knuckles said thinking. Yeah we'll go for the second option. Shadow was surrounded in dark clouds and lightning. His costume starts at the bottom and a wind tornado rises and when disappears he now has a crimson red bodysuit with black rocket shoes, no gloves. He's wearing a helmet that goes all around his head with actual yellow lightning bolts on the side. "Red Storm" He said and lightning clashes the second he says it.

Everyone looks at Shadow with pure jealousy. "How come he gets a out of this world transformation?" Sonic asked in anger. It's because I'm a Shadow fangirl stop breaking the fourth wall about rediculous things Sonic. "Fine" he grumbled. Shadow looks at himself then takes off his helmet for a better look. "Wow" the girls said and Sonic grumbles in jealousy. "Little much?" Shadow asked. "Ehh" the others said and Tails gets a notification. "The Village is under attack!" He said. "Well I guess we can't pass this up" Sonic said. "Yeah" Knuckles agreed. "We fight Eggman like this?" Amy asked. "Yeah" Tails said. "I guess I don't really have a choice but to join you" Shadow said and cross his arms. "Well Team? Let's save the day with our powers" Sonic said and they take off.

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