Vs. Opial Part 2.5

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A/N: Here it is! Also, the end of this chapter might be similar to Infinite and is cliche but it also matches this troubled one.

Unknown POV:
Hi, I'm.. that doesn't matter. This is how I started it all and why I want so much power. Don't why I'm telling it to someone named 'Reader' that I don't know about but... I guess it's okay. A long time ago before Bygone Island was even considered I was a messenger boy.

Flashback: "Reporting for duty sir" a young boy's voice was heard as it shows a young wolf. One that looks like he belongs in boy scouts as he salutes towards a figure in front of him. "Just hurry up," a male voice says and walks out of frame as the young wolf follows.

Unknown POV:
I was so naive. Thinking that everything was a paradise! How wrong I was.

Flashback: "Give me that" an older more adult wolf snarled, forcefully taking what seems to be a cigarette from the younger. "But daddy! That's bad for you! You-you could get sick!" the younger tried to reason. "Whatever now go away brat" the older one pushed the younger one against the wall accidentally making utensils fall on the little pup's head. A knife barely misses his fur!

Unknown POV: He never paid attention to me and when he did it resulted in violence. Whether it was throwing a glass bottle at my face or purposely bumping into me towards furniture I would always think of possible reasons why he did it... School wasn't any better.

Flashback: "Hey give that back!" the wolf in a School uniform yelled. "Aw is the little baby gonna cry?" A kid just a year older asked in a rude way as he held up a kindness badge. "Please" the wolf pleaded. "That was made by my mom!" He screeched. "Please that was made by my mom" the bully's friend mimicked and the two laughed. "As if," the bully said and the one with the badge throws it behind him and it lands in the ocean. The wolf starts tearing up and collapses. "What a baby," the bully's friend said, and the two bullies high five, taking their leave as the wolf slowly raised his head and seems different.

Unknown POV:
That badge was the last one she made and gave me for courage. Well, before she found herself in a sticky situation. One that left her dead and that's why my father became the way he is. I never had friends either because of stupid rumors too!

Flashback: "Well done," the teacher said as he gave the young wolf his test paper. 100%! The bell rang and he packed up. In the halls, the boys were laughing and the girls avoided eye contact. Those that are neither are in-between and still don't want to be near him. "What are they laughing about?" the wolf asked quietly and stumbled into a new set of bullies. "Look who it is the one that looked in the girl's room," one of them said. "What!? I never did that!?" The wolf yelled completely confused. The rest of the School year was a new rumor and new bullies. Except for one kid who tried to help him but turned his back on him after one last rumor.

Unknown: Once I turned 12 I had enough. So I learned Dark Arts and how to control it whenever the chance I get. After School or in the middle of the night, sometimes lunchtime if the bullies take it easy on me. Once I learned how to control it I was ready for my revenge.

Police Department: "You're the son of *insert bad father's name here* right?" A guard asked. "Yes," the wolf nodded. "Has he done anything bad to you?" he asked. "Well, I'm not allowed to mention anything on those terms" the wolf confessed. "You're safe here" the guard reassured and the wolf takes a deep breath. "No" he lied. "Alright," the guard said and left after writing something down.

Unknown: I lied because I knew if I told the truth then I'll be responsible for whatever punishment my father got. If he escapes I'll be his first target and I didn't want that so... I lied. After some more practice, I harnessed the Dark Magic but for some reason, I wasn't satisfied. Like hunger for something.. something new and DEAD. No longer myself as I got into a job out of in the Galaxy. Out of curiosity I tried to harness the power of the elements for myself but was stopped. *Starts crying* Now I need that power to prove that I'm NOT WEAK. I need that power to show that I am NOT WHO THEY THOUGHT I WAS.

Unknown: My former name was Andrew the Wolf. Now it is Opial the Minister of Darkness and I'll take those powers and show my worth to the Universe! *Insert Evil Laugh*

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