Sir Orange Wind

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A/N: Yes the title is based on Sonics title in Sonic and the Black Knight. Just changed to fit Tails's needs for the book.

"So it's my turn?" Tails asked after they finished moving Ace to the surface. "Yeah it is. You ready?" He asked. Tails looks down seemingly nervous. "I'm sure you can do it bud" Sonic said for confidence. "Yeah" the rest of the group excluding Ace then said. "Where do I need to go?" He asked and Ace walks him towards the tallest hill on the Island. Don't ask how he knows where it even is. "The rest is on your own, just fly in the wind" he said and walks away. Tails opens his twin tails and flies up and looks back. "I'll get this done in no time" he said and flies to the hill. "Alright what do I need to do?" He asked himself after landing there. He looks at the surroundings and finds nothing. "I wonder" he said in thought and gathers as much wind as he can and makes a tornado that digs straight down. Tails uses his tails and hovers down the hole. "Ace said that I should fly in the wind" he said and lets his tails fall. He then focused on the wind and commanded a safe way to what seems to be the base of the hill. "Woah" he said in amusement and flies around thinking that it's a puzzle. "What do I need to figure out?" He asked himself and hovers forward down but minutes went by and nothing was going on.

"I know I'm patient so this has to be an endless hole" Tails hypothesis. A spike comes out of the wall and Tails avoids it. "Okay this is gonna prove some difficulty" Tails comments and dives down. Instead of spikes moving lasers shows up and he turns his two tails avoiding the lasers. He then lands on the floor. "Guess the hole wasn't as endless as I thought" he said and hovers around. "Wait is that..?" He asked and went to a computer that happened to be nearby. "Good thing I can hack into Eggmans Supercomputer within three minutes" he comments and starts hacking through the files. A huge gust of wind starts blowing while Tails was looking at some documents and his hand slipped but not before finishing the download into his computer remotely. "Got it" he said and uses his powers to direct himself back in front of the computer. "I have to transform just in case someone catches me" he said. Tails was engulfed in a orange breeze. His costume with the gloves, shoes, tool belt, hat, and sports tape all disappeared. He now has a light gray jumpsuit and his tails became more fluffy. He got a light brown pilot hat and white goggles that doesn't allow looking at the eyes but the surroundings instead. "Now I'm Orange Wind" he said. "Now where to go from here?" He asked himself, flying at a random direction somewhere.

Meanwhile on the surface the rest of Team Sonic plus Shadow and Alex is waiting at the Workshops Training Room. "So you're heroes of a Village full of those who don't know what you go through therefore being idiots thinking that you'll be around forever" Ace sumerised their conversation. The team and Shadow nods their heads. "Sometimes I'll come in and cause some more trouble but not frequently" Shadow said then sheepishly laughs. "Hey we forgive you, it's all in the past now" Sonic said and agreement again. "Thanks guys" Shadow said now embarrassed. "Robots, Dimensions.. imagine if there was one with an Eggman that owns a machine that turns mobians into robot slaves" Ace joked. "Yeah" Amy laughed. Sticks being the most self aware, knows that's real and nothing to joke about but lets it slide. Mainly because they're her friends and doesn't want to bother them about it. Shadow saw Sticks's facial expression and got concerned but doesn't do anything feeling like she still doesn't trust him. Especially what had happened in the past. "So we just wait here?" Knuckles asked. "Until it's your turn which you're after Amy" Ace said and Knuckles didn't hear any of it.

Back with Tails with his POV
I just got into a huge room that is making me feel uncomfortable. Mainly the way that it's all empty with only two doors. The one I just came from and the one across the room from me. I thought that this would be on the surface seeing how wind can't be in a Cave unless it's close to an entrance or exit. I walked through the other and oh my gosh. The room was huge! I found a sword and picked it up as the Cave starts to crumble. That's not good. I fly towards an exit but that's when I heard screaming. One of a little kid I'm sure. I looked at the exit and back down on the ground. Knowing what I have to do I dive down towards the ground and looked for the troubled kid. After searching around for a bit I finally found them so I fly up next to them. "You okay?" I asked. "Yes" she said. "Where are your folks?" I then asked. "Orange Wind, you passed your test. A test of never giving up" the kid said. Heh. Unlike the author desperately typing all this just to move on with this adventure. Gottem. "You are worthy of 'Wind Power Up'" she explained and something happens towards me. Really cool.

Third POV:
Tails was engulfed in strong winds and his powers grew stronger again terrible in the wrong hands. He returns to his friends and that's two down. "Madame Amy shalt we move on?" Ace asked gentleman like.

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