A Bigger Threat

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The gang thought that it was just the powers. Nope! Actually there was a reason they were chosen to have this power. A beast that is inescapable once unleashed, they need to be careful about who knows their identities and how they use their powers. Otherwise, the Universe will be in stake. Fire is meant for the leader as it's a symbol of trust as it can bring light in the dark. Ice is meant for the athletic one as it's a symbol of patience. Can be easily broken as it can repaired. Wind is meant for the flight as one could merely jump, it takes effort to reach the stars. Water, meant for the changes. A symbol of never giving up. A small substance that can change it all. Plants, meant for the one connected to nature. A symbol of trust. Lightning, made for the powerful one. As it is bright can also be dangerous and meant for the one who finishes. These elements have been used by special mobians for generations as far back as when Mobius was first created.

Only there is one person who wants this power for themselves. The minister of darkness, Opial. He will do whatever it takes to destroy the Universe and reshape it into his own image. If he gains access to the elements then he'll be unstoppable. Luckily, Princess Vidia sent a comet with the powers towards Mobius once she discovered Opials true colors. The comet landed on Mobius and will choose new heroes to step up and protect the universe from Opial and other evil, hopefully stopping them for good. Three hedgehogs, one fox, one echidna, and one badger... they're counting on them to stop Opial once and for all.

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