Just Transformations

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A/N: This is completely irrelevant to the story, I just once again don't have a direction to steer this story through. I'll try to finish this though as I need to finish a book before I start posting the next. Even if it's from a different fandom.

Sonic's Transformation:
Sonic was engulfed in a blue flame and his costume from the brown bandana, red sneakers, white gloves, and sports tape disappeared. Black boots, red rubber gloves, and a fire proof bodysuit appears along with a light blue mask with flame design on the back of it. "Call me Blue Flame" Sonic said proudly.

Amy's Transformation:
Amy was engulfed in pink ice and her costume also changes but doesn't disappear first. She is now wearing a light pink sweater which is also a dress. Her boots became ice skates and her gloves has white snowflakes. Her boots are still the same color scheme but looks more like ice skates. A black and hot pink helmet gets on her head as it seems to cover her vision but isn't actually. "I am Princess Crystal" Amy said confidently.

Tails Transformation:
Tails was engulfed in a orange breeze. His costume with the gloves, shoes, tool belt, hat, and sports tape all disappeared. He now has a light gray jumpsuit and his tails became more fluffy. He got a light brown pilot hat and white goggles that doesn't allow looking at the eyes but the surroundings instead. "Now I'm Orange Wind" he said.

Sticks Transformation:
Sticks was covered in a light brown water but it isn't dirty. Costume change but nothing taken. Now she's wearing a light brown swimsuit and stained goggles. Her boots are now hover sneakers that'll change into flippers when underwater. "Water Badger" she said and winks at the readers.

Knuckles Transformation:
Knuckles was engulfed in green leaves and daisies. His costume became a bright green boots and gloves. He got a soft leaf masquerade mask. His wears a green bodysuit with a brown leaf color palette. "The Red Daisy" Knuckles said.

Shadows Transformation:
Shadow was surrounded in dark clouds and lightning. His costume starts at the bottom and a wind tornado rises and when disappears he now has a crimson red bodysuit with black rocket shoes, no gloves. He's wearing a helmet that goes all around his head with actual yellow lightning bolts on the side. "Red Storm" He said and lightning clashes the second he says it.

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