Red Daisy

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"Two more. What do you say big guy?" Ace asked elbowing Knuckles. "Alright finally. Where do I need to go?" Knuckles asked excitedly. "The.. Forest.. Right there?" Ace said pointing to the clear to see broad daylight forest that's right there. "What forest?" Knuckles asked and the gang sighed. "Tall sticks with green broken wings patch" Tails translated. "Ohh see ya guys soon" Knuckles called out as he ran into the Forest. "Is he always confused?" Ace questioned. "Yes" Team Sonic answered in sync. Right now, Knuckles is still running the direction Ace pointed at. "That forest got to be around here somewhere" he said to himself. What he didn't know was that someone's watching him, someone not good.

"The Plant test aye? Well let's change things up. Shall we?" a familiar voice revealing to be Opial said and cue evil laugh. Knuckles continued running and reached a Temple that looked like the Emerald Shrine with no emerald. "Okay.. now what?" Knuckles asked and walked up the steps reaching the top. There stood a tree. A Great Basin Bristlecone Pine tree to be exact. "Wow. Can I climb it?" he asked excitedly and ran up to the tree then proceed to climb it. What he didn't know was where he was stepping grew flowers like the beginning of this book. On stone!? He reached the place where the Master Emerald should stand when he heard cries for help. They were from Opial using magic to sound like a little kid. He has a staff to capture the powers Knuckles currently posses. Being concern Knuckles was about to follow the voice when a butterfly passes by. "Ooh pretty" he said and went after it only to fall into the shrine that opened a hole. Opial growled on how his plan didn't work and tried to follow him. Before he could make it though the hatch closed, he tried to use his magic on it but it was protected and sprung him far away. "Nice try" the kids voice said with satasfaction included.

Down inside the shrine that looks 20x bigger than it seemed inside Knuckles walked around in the pitch darkness until he found a fire torch. He picks it up and walks around bringing plantlife throughout the place. "Help!" he heard and ran to the direction of the voice unaware of the echo. "Help! Help! Help!" he heard though it sounded like it was fading. Not knowing what an echo was despite Amy teaching him what one was followed where it could be, just going in circles. He then got tired and decided to try and use his powers but something was blocking him from doing so. "Great" he grumbled and walked through a corridor where he heard the voice again. "Help! Help!" they cried again. Knuckles starts to get tired but took a deep breath and ran the direction where the sound was the loudest. There, he saw a little kid in a cage on top of a pillar. "Help!" they cried. "Hold on" Knuckles assured but has no idea what to do himself despite the very obvious rock wall he could climb. He looks around and climbs alongside the temple walls and jumped onto a vine, swinging towards the cage landing on top of it. He then tell the kid to move to the side a bit and they did so. Knuckles punched down and breaks that side of the cage, letting the kid out. He carries them on his back, going down the hallway. He puts them down and kneels down. "You hurt?" he asked. The kid stands up and smiles, Knuckles also getting up afterwards.

"Red Daisy, you passed the test of determination(cue megalovania). You deserve the power-up" they said and Knuckles starts glowing. He was then teleported to his friends. "Great! Last one" Ace said and everyone turns to Shadow. He smiles.

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