Vs. Opial Part 1

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"Where good things are there's always an end" a female voice narrates as a scene showing Team Sonic victorious at an Eggman Battle. "There's a spark of hope" she continues and a scene showing Ace but with a gun-like weapon part of a familiar army, in a familiar setting. "Even in the Darkest Time" she continues and scene goes to alien conquer Sonic game. "Heroes Rise" she finishes and silhouettes of Team Sonic plus Shadow shows in a dark grey background and a white flash puts them in their hero costumes fully showing their looks. The book title in a Comic Sans font above them and in 3D. "Good Luck" she finishes and starts to fade into a light.

Meanwhile Team Sonic plus Shadow and Ace have no idea where Opial is or how to defeat him. They're currently training with the power-ups and excluding Sonic are getting to know Ace a little bit better. "You two known each other for that long?" Amy asked in disbelief freezing a moving dummy. "Yeah you would not believe how much of a nerd I can be when it comes to the history of Mobius" Ace giggled. "No joke there" Tails said taking notes on the Mobius facts that he didn't know. Sonic claps his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright today is the day that we face Opial and knowing villains he had probably been planning as we were busy with our power-ups" Sonic said and proceeded to demonstrate by making a campfire with one stick out of nowhere. "Then what do you suggest we do?" Amy asked. "First we are going to pretend to feel better, that way no one will have to worry anymore. Then we are going to split up and look for Opial with Ace at Tails's Workshop in case anything goes wrong. After that we stall in order to find his weakness. If we find it we can take him down, nothing too rude. Questions?" Sonic explained. Sticks raised her hand. "Yes Sticks?" He asked. "Where do we go?" She asked. "I getting there. Anyways we are going to the same places as when we were looking for the meteorite" Sonic points behind him and said meteorite crashes onto Mobius. "More?" Tails questions and they transform.

Sonic was engulfed in a blue flame and his costume from the brown bandana, red sneakers, white gloves, and sports tape disappeared. Black boots, red rubber gloves, and a fire proof bodysuit appears along with a light blue mask with flame design on the back of it. "Call me Blue Flame" Sonic said proudly. Amy was engulfed in pink ice and her costume also changes but doesn't disappear first. She is now wearing a light pink sweater which is also a dress. Her boots became ice skates and her gloves has white snowflakes. Her boots are still the same color scheme but looks more like ice skates. A black and hot pink helmet gets on her head as it seems to cover her vision but isn't actually. "I am Princess Crystal" Amy said confidently.

Tails was engulfed in a orange breeze. His costume with the gloves, shoes, tool belt, hat, and sports tape all disappeared. He now has a light gray jumpsuit and his tails became more fluffy. He got a light brown pilot hat and white goggles that doesn't allow looking at the eyes but the surroundings instead. "Now I'm Orange Wind" he said. Sticks was covered in a light brown water but it isn't dirty. Costume change but nothing taken. Now she's wearing a light brown swimsuit and stained goggles. Her boots are now hover sneakers that'll change into flippers when underwater. "Water Badger" she said and winks at the readers.

Knuckles was engulfed in green leaves and daisies. His costume became a bright green boots and gloves. He got a soft leaf masquerade mask. His suit is the same as the one he wore at "All Fair Sticksy" just with a green and brown color scheme. "The Red Daisy" Knuckles said. Shadow was surrounded in dark clouds and lightning. His costume starts at the bottom and a wind tornado rises and when disappears he now has a crimson red bodysuit with black rocket shoes, no gloves. He's wearing a helmet that goes all around his head with actual yellow lightning bolts on the side. "Red Storm" He said and lightning clashes the second he says it.

"Why is Red Storms transformation better than the others?" Ace asked and Red shrugs. The rest of the team sighs still envy him. "Let's find Opial" Blue Flame said and they decided to search Hedgehog Village first. No one. Mountains? Nope. Gogo Va Village? Not there. Eggmans Lair? Just the doctor and his robots. They went to Tails's Workshop and there Opial was on top of the roof of the building. "Look what we have here" he said and starts maniacally laughing. "Opial" Ace said in despise. "I thought there were six elements" Opial said confused. "I just help them with my research, there's a reason why I don't have a costume" Ace yelled. Opial laughs maniacally again. "Makes it easier for me. Haha! Well it's time I get what's rightfully mine" he said and shoots a dark magic towards the team who dodged said attack. While the conversation was going on Orange Wind secretly was using a light breeze to push him off. Opial falls down but used his magic to catch himself. Orange growls and Opial uses his magic like the Chaos Blast and sent our heroes flying. Orange Wind and Red Storm manages to catch themselves but the others are not as lucky and got sent to the other side of the Island. "Looks like it's just you and me and without your pathetic leader too" he laughed. Red Storm growled and summons a group of storm clouds with the help of Oranges light breeze. "Preschool" Opial said and dodged purple lightning, putting Red Storm in a headlock with some shadows. Orange gasped and blows Opial away, flying to Reds aid. They started to wonder how powerful was that second attack cause the others aren't here right now.

Blue Flame's POV:
We are trying our best to get back to Tails and Shadows aide but the shadow creatures are stopping us from moving forward. I kick one of their backs and elbowed one coming behind me. "We're surrounded" Princess Crystal said and she was right. They're all around us! No exit. "I got it!" I said with an idea. "Red Daisy, launch Water Badger as high as you can, while up there spray water on my direction then go to Base Water. Got it?" I told everyone the plan. "Got it" they responded. "Great let's hurry!" I exclaimed and we start. Red tossed Water into the air and started spraying my direction, I countered it with my fire and we made steam. Lots of steam. "Let's go, hurry!" I shouted and we continued running to help our friends. When we got there Orange Wind was out of commission and Red Storm could barely stand. How powerful is that guy? "Red Storm" I shouted as we ran towards them. I stood by his side with Daisy and Water. Crystal went to check on Wind. "Look what we got here" Opial said and used his evil laughter. Creepier than Eggmans though.

"Let's dual" he said and took out what seems to be a sythe. Me and the rest of my team minus two took out our weapons that we forgot about. "Let's dance" Opial said and jumped towards us but we jumped out of the way. He would've gotten me if I didn't had my shield, good call. I ran towards him and attempted a spin dash but he blocked it and I was sent flying towards Princess Crystal. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah thanks" I thanked and got back up. "This isn't working" I thought out loud and looked around. No pattern and we can't find a weak spot anywhere.

Heroes POV:
'Where could that weak spot be?' thought Red Storm as he sent lightning at Opial but it was redirected to the Workshop. "Come on" Orange Wind complained getting his composure. "Gang. I have no idea what to do" Blue Flame admits. "Then we'll figure it out together" said Princess Crystal as she buries Opial in snow only for it to melt. "Like always" said Water Badger as she traps Opial in a droplet prison that he swam out of. "You and us against the world" Orange Wind said ready to go back into battle. "We've faced worse than this. Haven't we?" Red Daisy asked and scratches his head only to be punched in the stomach. "Friends Forever!" Water Badger yelled. Feeling touched Blue Flame surrounds himself in blue flames. The same thing except not in control happens with the others in their own elements. "What's going on?" Opial asked ready to run. They used blasts towards where Opial was at but nothing.. happened. Having used up all their energy on that our heroes faints and detransforms.

Villains POV:
"They were Sonic, his friends, and Shadow all along?" Eggman questions. "Seems like it" Barker said in thought. "I hate to say it but it seems like we'll have to play hero this time" Charlie admits and Beta nods in agreement. "Alright let's come up with a plan" Morpho said and they huddled up.

A/N: I'm so, so, so sorry for taking so long on this chapter. Got caught up with other things and motivation drained things got messy. Anyway, it seems like the villains are going to the heroes aide. Will they make it in time? Stay tuned.

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