Water Badger

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"Another one down. Now for Sticks" Ace said and pointed at the badger. She nods. Tails recreates her vehicle from the car race episode and she drives to the Beach. "Wait. He didn't tell me what to do!" Sticks shouted. She starts pacing and cursing child friendly words under her breath. Looking down at the water she walks towards it and holds her breath, diving in. Looking around it's just a normal ocean. Nonantamaphorbic animals going through their normal routine, plants as beautiful as always, and such. She swims forward and reached an underwater tomb. Before going in she breach the surface for air. She dives back down and goes inside the Ocean Tomb. Inside, she swims further and the door closes. Her eyes widened in surprise and she rushed to the door that just closed. She tries to open it but no prevail.

Seeing how there's no other choice, she swims forward. It got darker and harder to see but there were small cracks in said Tomb that gives the light. Not much but enough to avoid hitting the walls. She feels as if she needs to breath then saw what seemed to be a huge air bubble in front of her. Several as they form out of the ground and up till they popped on the roof. With no choice she sucks the next bubble that came in and took deep breaths finding out that she's breathing underwater. "What sorcery is this!?" Sticks asked in alarm and uses her boomerang to cover the air bubbles. Feeling satisfied, she swims on. Later she nearly got spiked from a spike randomly coming out of the ground. She dodged it and swim forward finding large steps leading downwards. So she swims down realizing that she hasn't gotten another air bubble yet and it's been a couple minutes since her last air bubble. Thinking about trouble she swims as fast as she can Sticks got another air bubble in the nick of time. "I better hurry. Who knows what danger could be here?" She asked and swims forward spotting a couple of bad guys looking like badniks.

Sticks's POV:
Are those Eggmans!? They would seem like so but battling them are different. They're a lot harder to deal with and we know Eggmans strategies from the book! Yes there is literally a book about all his schemes and battle tactics. I stole that book actually. Back to these robots they seem coordinated somehow, like as if someone was planning this. I knew there were Guardians of Deep yet no one believed me!! Well now to prove them wrong. Knowing what is a guardians weakness I destroy everything my path with water terminals. I didn't know they can do that until I tried actually. So after that I found the center of this Underwater Temple and I'm losing my breath again. Looking around I found air bubbles, and swam there as fast as I can! I grabbed a bubble and now I have oxygen. "Alright where to now?" I asked myself and swam until I saw tunnels. There is a fast water current! So I slowly went there as immediatly got pushed into the current. I saw spikes and grabbed a pole! The current then causes me to go up the pole, and I let go knowing I have to go forth. I grabbed another pole and this time going down to avoid spikes. I continued this process until I was shoved into a drained room.

"Hey! That actually hurt!" I yelled since I fell into the room from the celing appereantly. Excuse me!? I hear a cry for help. Sounds like it was in water though. "Hey is anyone there!?" I yelled and wiched that my foil hat didn't got wet. This could be a trick after all. I shook off the water and ran to where I hear the voice. Nothing. I no longer hear the cry for help and now I'm confused. "Was I hearing things?" I questioned and the room starts dripping. Huge drops and when one of thiose drops landed on me my ears clogged up again. That's when I heard the cry for help again. I shook off the water and ran the direction of the voice. The voice started to sound as if it was coming from somewhere else and it leads me through a hallway. I was then lead to three hallways, My ears got unclogged somehow and I hear the cries for help from all three hallways. True that all three could lead to the same place but I'm not taking that risk. The cries gets more extreme and I have no idea what to do. Not until I took a deep breath and looked closely at each hallway finding a difference. One is comepletely dry, another one was damp, the last one was a full on swamp. My powers could help the dry place but I need to proceed with the test. The best place would be the swamp seeing the ocean leading to a water temple, but the dry hallway needs my powers. So I sighed and used my powers to surround myself walking up to the front of the desert hallway. Here goes nothing.

I take a step forward and to my surprise the dry sand became.. grass? Almost instantly too. So I continued walking making sure the water touches every part of this hallway. I didn't even looked back and feel a sence of joy and relief brushed upon me which the second option is rare for me. Once I passed the hallway I saw a yound girl. She point to the hallway behind me and the other two hallways were death traps. The damp hallway now has tranquilizer darts with arrows. The darts seems to come from the left while the arrows seems to come from the roof. The other hallway was filled comeplety with unentamaphorbic sharks, whales, and other predators that would've loved me for a snack. I looked at the girl again and she smiled. "Nice job Water Badger!" she said. I immediatly freaked out. "Aaahh!! Did you read my mind!?" I questioned holding my head with my arms. "No.. sorry for the appsuption that I gave you. Anyway, you passed the test of seeing if you will help those that aren't animals" she said. I still don't trust her. "Okay...?" I question. "You deserve the power-up" she said and and I start glowing.

Third POV:
Sticks got her suit on and smiled. Powers grew stronger and dangerous in the wrong hands. The suit comes off. "Use it well and wisely" the girl said and Sticks was teleported to her friends. "Two more. What do you say big guy?" Ace asked elbowing Knuckles. "Alright finally. Where do I need to go?" Knuckles asked excitedly.

A/N: Sorry that this took a while. I took a day-off on my Birthday and other things got crossed into mind. Not to mention that I didn't know what Sticks's test should be until the day after I started writing this chapter. Yeah but not to worry I know what should be Knuckles's and Shadows tests. There's the save of 30 minutes! Until the next chapter friends!!❤️

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