Princess Crystal

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"Madame Amy shalt we move on?" Ace asked gentleman like. "It's my turn?" She asked pointing at herself. "Yes it is" he said and she on the Blue Force One rides to the tallest mountain on the Island. She wears a purple jacket and white earmuffs. "Where do I go?" She asked getting out of Blue Force One. After some walking she steps on something that feels like metal. "What's this?" She asked and kneeled down, clearing the snow. "Hey it's my symbol!" She exclaimed in surprise. She clears up more snow and looks around for something to open a hatch. She realizes that she brought her hammer and starts banging on the hatch, denting and breaking it open. She got a hole big enough for herself and jumps in. "Woah" she said as she slides down. Towards the ground she manages to leap and good thing too because there was spikes at the end of the slide. "That was close" she comments and walks forward, hammer ready.

Meanwhile, Shadow and Sticks were facing against... Shadow Demons? That's new. "Where is that faker?" He asked as they were transformed into Water Badger and Red Storm. "How am I supposed to know where my friends always are?" Water Badger asked in response. "Hang on guys! Help is on the way" Tails's voice was heard. They looked towards the direction of the voice and there was Blue Flame, Orange Wind, and Red Daisy coming in. "How deep was that hole?" Red Storm asked. "Pretty deep" Blue Flame answered and activates his shield, lighting himself on fire. "How-?" Red questioned. "Gotcha!" Tails exclaimed and blew huge gusts of wind towards several Shadow Demons. "Where's Cryst?" Water Badger asked. "On her own adventure" Blue Flame answered and Red Daisy wrapped up several Shadow Demons, squeezing them until they evaporated. "That's it! Everyone corner them" Blue Flame ordered and they do so. "Daisy wrap them up" he continued once they do it and the Shadow Demons were squirming. "Squeeze!" He yelled and Red Daisy does so causing the Shadows to evaporate. "I'll help with that" Storm said and commanded all the nearby clouds to go to Gogava Village. They were waiting for rain anyway so it works out! The shadows disappear and battle won. The group mini celebrate.

Amy's POV:
I've been walking around this Cave for a while. There were definitely more traps. I guess going through Ace's security was more helpful than I thought it would be at the time. Regardless, I walked forward until I reached a giant river. A rapid one in fact. I would transform but I don't think that's what the test wants me to do. So instead I looked around and above me are stalagtites, using them I easily got across the river of doom. Just poking fun with that. Going deeper into the Cave I found myself in a giant frozen lake. How that's possible I don't know. I checked for how thick it was with a stone, throwing it as hard as I can. The ice breaks.

"Thin ice" I wondered out loud. I take a deep breath and take a step forward. The sound of cracks was heard. I would usually advice against this but I need to move forward. "Help!" I heard. "Help me!" I heard again and looking forward I spotted a young child in the middle of cracked ice. Did I crack those ice? How did the kid get there? "Stay very still" I called out. The kid turned to me and looked terrified. "Who are you!?" They asked. "My name is Amy and I can help you" I said. The ice breaks into strips except for the one I'm on and the one the kid was on. I jumped onto one of the strips and it got thinner with cracks. I took a deep breath and used balance and did a summersault onto the ice chunk the kid was on and it got bigger cracks than the ones before. With no choice I take a dive into the frozen lake, getting on top of the chunk the kid was on.

"This may get bumpy! Hold on!" Amy yelled and jumped onto a thin piece. She jumped onto another just as it cracked. Due to her being in the frozen water Amy got a lot slower. Luckily, she pressed on and save the kid. "Thank you.. Princess Crystal" the kid thanked and Amys eyes spread wide in surprise. Did they saw her detransform? "You passed the test. To see if you make the toughest desicions even if it can mean death. You're worthy of the 'ice power up'" they continued. Amy's body was covered in pink snowflakes. Powers grew stronger and dangerous in the wrong hands. "Take care of it well Amy Rose the Hedgehog" the voice said and Amy was teleported to her friends. "Another one down. Now for Sticks" Ace said and pointed at the badger. She nods.

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