Old Ally meets New Friends

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Sonic has been running for a while and was starting to get thirsty. "I have to be fire" he joked and stops at a lake. "Too convenient" he said and circles around said lake. He looked closer and used his powers on the lake, instead of evaporating the water, the fire went right through. "Knew it" he said. Sonic was engulfed in a blue flame and his costume from the brown bandana, red sneakers, white gloves, and sports tape disappeared. Black boots, red rubber gloves, and a fire proof bodysuit appears along with a light blue mask with flame design on the back of it. "Call me Blue Flame" Sonic said proudly. He starts spin dashing into the lake, finding out that there was a small tunnel going deeper. Good thing he was spin dashing inside, making the thin part of the tunnel bigger. He continued until he landed someplace. This place was dark with only torches and a door. "Guess this is my first test" he said and looked around. "What do I do though?" He asked in thought and looked at the symbols on the doors.

Meanwhile with his friends Sonic accidentally left his friend halfway, hasn't noticed, and his friends caught up with Ace. "Okay we want answers" Princess Crystal said. "Blue Flame you dropped me!" He yelled and all there was is his echo. "Explain now" Orange Wind said. Ace sighed and gestures them to follow him heading back to his Cave house. "Make yourselves at home chosen ones" he said in a bored tone. "Alright now talk" Princess Crystal said as they sat down on the pillows. "Can I keep one?" Red Daisy asked gesturing to the pillows. "No" Ace said and hands everyone some tea. "It's safe, your leader had one earlier" he said and sat down drinking his own. The heroes looked at each other unsure and placed them down. "No thank you" Princess Crystal said. "I get that you don't trust me. Especially since I helped Blue Flame escape, do you know each other's identities?" He asked and take a sip of tea. "Yes... What does that-?" Orange Wind was saying until he got interrupted. "Great! Go ahead and detransform Tails, Amy, and Knuckles" he said and our heroes were surprised. "H-how..?" Princess Crystal asked. "Sonic told me some time after you got your suits" Ace answered calmly. "Not surprised really. You all certainly mean a lot to him, especially Amy" he continued and Princess Crystal lightly blushed but you can't see under the helmet. "Confess to him. He obviously likes you back" Ace said with a knowing look on his face. Princess Crystal blushed deeper thinking about it. "Back to the subject. How do you know Sonic?" Orange Wind asked. "We just.. known each other for a long time" Alex said and Orange Wind got more suspicious of him.

"Look I know you don't trust me and I don't blame you. Especially if I told you that I was the one that set up all the decoys" Ace said and immediately regret it. "Decoys!?" The team asked in confusion. "Um.. Sonic told me to and I didn't want to get anyone hurt. He still wanted me to though and here we are since he left me behind" Alex said clearly pissed. "Okay... Mind telling us where he is now?" Knuckles asked. "How am I supposed to know? We're talking about the fastest creature on the Island" Ace said. "Good point" Knuckles said and Ace crossed his arms, looking away from the group. Tails sighs. "Look we're sorry for pushing you, we're just looking for Sonic and are really worried about him. Is there a way for us to find him and make sure that he's safe?" Tails asked and Ace looks down in thought. "If you put it that way" Ace started and the group looks at him hopeful. He gets up and goes to the shelf, taking one of the books. "We made contact with each other and I summoned the earthquake to get him down here. I didn't know that you three and the other two would be around" Ace starts explaining. "As leader Sonic has a huge responsibility, especially when it comes to your powers. You all might've got costumes and weapons but at the end of the day, without the items Sonic is looking for. It will all be for nothing" Ace sighed. "He needs seven items. Flower of joy, Piece of silver, shard of green emerald, bucket of fear, 5 inches of hope, bravery of a friend, and the hardest of all. Freedom for the pet" he explained, showing everyone his book. "Sonic needs all of that!?" Tails questions. "Once he gets them all he'll be able to activate what's known as the Master Emerald. Other places it's known as created by gods but here it's more complicated than that" Ace said and the others nods in understanding.

"Does Sonic really need to find them all on his own?" Amy asked. "No. Right now he needs to focus on finding his fire spirit. You all including Sticks and Shadow have to go on a solo quest to find your individual spirits" Ace said and they nod. "Will he be safe during that?" Knuckles asked. "Do you trust him?" Ace asked back. "Of course we do" Tails said. "Then you should calm down and let him handle things" Ace said calmly. They looked at each other and nod knowing that Sonic defend himself if anything bad happens during this test.

Sonics POV:
I am now at some type of parkour. If I miss I'll fall into lava, oh boy. Also to get through the doors all I had to do was figure out what were the symbols on top of the doors that should tell me what door to use. Anyways focus on the parkour Sonic. Alright, I jumped onto the first pillar. Then to the next and the one after that. There was a long, thin, straight rock so I balanced myself on it but heard a click. A giant cylinder block starts rolling fast towards me but I'm faster. Jumping over said cylinder block was a piece of cake. It falls into the lava that flew high and goes back down. That was close. Now what's next?

I ran forward and a hole randomly opens beneath me. Welp. I fell and kept my arms and legs apart until I noticed lasers incoming. "Alright this is more like it" I said excited for the dangers ahead. I dived faster down and landed on my feet. "That seems familiar somehow" I commented and shrugged it off. "Now what?" I asked and walks forward until he heard cries for help. "Huh!? Did someone else figured out about this!?" I asked confused. As I kept walking, the cries grows louder. "Hang on" I yelled and ran to where I heard the screams. The screams starts getting louder when suddenly they grew quiet and I run in a different direction. It starts to get louder then softer. It went in like this until he went to the center of the room. "Where did I hear those screams?" I asked myself and looked down. Why didn't I think of that? "Of course! Hang on" I said and used my spin dash to dig down. Once I finished digging into a small room something got presented to me. "Woah, where's the kid?" I asked and a voice calls out to me. "I'm fine. It was all a test" the sound of a little kid assured. "A test?" I question. "Yes if you would give up in a time of help or not, you are worthy of the 'Flame Power Up' " the voice said and blue fire rises around me. "Cool" I commented.

Third POV:
It engulfs him and his powers grew stronger and dangerous in the wrong hands. "Take care of it well Sonic the Hedgehog" the voice said and Sonic was teleported to his friends. "Thank you" he whispered. "Told you all that he'd be back safe" Ace said and he turns around to see his team minus two. "Guys?" He questioned and was pulled into a hug. "Thank goodness you're alright" Princess Crystal said in joy. "Should've known you'll make it" Orange Wind said. "Had us worried there Blue" Red Daisy said and they all including Ace laughs altogether. "Your turn" Blue Flame said and winks at Orange Wind. He nods and goes back to the surface with Ace helping him move out of the Cave that he's been living in.

A/N: Sorry that this update was a little late. It's finals week and I've been focusing on my exams. I finished one today actually. Only five more to go! That's why posting chapters have been going at a slow pace than how fast I usually post. Like every three days or something like that. Anyways I hope you enjoyed so far and look forward to what's ahead! Bye 👋!

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