Chapter 1

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I knew I should get up and run away, get to safety, but my body wasn't moving. I couldn't get up, my body felt numb. My head was spinning. My mom held me tightly to protect me.

She felt cold. Covered in blood. She slowly loosens her grip, a soft smile crept on her face, the smile she makes to assure me everything is fine. Why is she smiling? "M-mama?" "run" she says in a quiet voice.

That was her last word.


Ah, it was that dream again

I felt a tear running my face.


Lily came rushing in pale as a ghost. "I'm fine Lily" Lily, Lilian York, is my nanny. She used to be a student of my mother, Diana, but after that incident mother passed away and Lily decided to become my nanny.

"Did you have that nightmare again?" Lily asks and I slowly nod my head while reaching for a cup of water.

The 'nightmare' Lily was referring to is the incident that happened 10 years ago, when mother was still alive...

"S-sister? Are you alright?" I turned my head to see Aether at the door. Aether is my older brother and the heir to the Obelia company.

"Yeah, I just had a nightmare, I apologize if I startled you brother." Aether looked at me hesitantly before speaking, "It's your first day of high school right? You're going to be late." I chuckled at Aethers' attempt to change the subject, he wasn't exactly good at comforting people.

"Thank you brother," I smiled at him and turned my head to face Lily. "Is father going to be working late today?" My father, Claude, is the CEO of Obelia inc. a powerful company that all/most of the world knows of.


I'm just going to explain their family real quick (I'm just lazy)

As you know Claude has an older brother, Anastasius, but he didn't want to be the CEO of the company since he wanted an easier life for him and his family (Jeanette and Penelope). So he gave the position to Claude instead.

Also, currently, Athanasia is 15, her brother Aether is 20, Jeanette and Ejikiel, and Lucas are all 16.

I'm sorry if its confusing >.<

Back to the story

"Yes, the sir said that there are 2 important meetings today, I apologize." I notice Lily's glum expression "No it's fine, father and Felix must have a lot to do." Lily looked at me with a concerned face and I got up trying to change the mood. "Lily! It's almost time for Jeanette to arrive, let's get ready" I said with an excited expression.

Jeanette was coming over so we can go to school together, today will be my first day of high school and Jeanette will be going into her 2nd year of high school.

Once I got ready I went downstairs to see Jeanette with Ezekiel, Kiel was our childhood friend, the same age as Jeanette. "Athy!" Jeanette looked my way and ran towards me to give me a hug, I let out a chuckle "Why are you acting like we haven't seen each other for years? We saw each other at the family dinner last week." I chuckle as I hug her back. "I know but you looked so cute in our school uniform I just wanted to hug you." We both let go and I turned to Kiel.

"Kiel! I'm so glad we get to go to school together, it's been so long." Kiels face brightened and he showed a small pout, "and here I thought you two forgot I was here" Jeanette let out a childish eye roll "You're just jealous Athy likes me better" Jeanette says in a playful voice. "w-w-what? n-no! w-what are you talking about!?" Kiel replied with a flustered voice.

Jeanette continued to tease Kiel on the way to school, it felt as though I was sitting in between a couple flirting with each other.

'haha we love being the third wheel ' I thought to myself as I thought about when we were kids.

----------- chapter 1 end ------------


Sorry, this chapter was a little short, if I continued it would be too long.

I promise to make Chapter 2 longer (and we'll be introducing a little someone 😏)

Also, I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes, ill edit it later.

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