Chapter 16 / Authors Note

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The doctor said I passed out due to shock and suggested I stay put for the night and get rest. I suggested I go home but Lucas insisted I stay over. I called Jeanette to explain the situation and make up a lie for me if my father asked anything about where I was. She was hesitant at first but gave in eventually after some pleading. 

Lucas and I sat in silence staring at the pictures this 'unknown' person sent me. The pictures weren't anything scary, a few pictures of me and Lucas together. If anything, they looked cute, we looked like a couple. Of course, I won't be the one to admit it though. Although I'm used to getting pictures taken like this, I should be respectful of Lucas' boundaries. He probably feels uncomfortable looking at these. I looked over at Lucas and saw a slight blush on his face, "You want a copy of the pictures?" We met eye-to-eye, sitting side by side, "You seem to like them quite a bit." I said teasingly. He rolled his eyes and scratched the back of his neck, looking off to the side, "Yes princess, I would love a copy of it actually." I smiled to myself, thinking he must've been thinking the same. "I just look so handsome in these pictures, I should have them framed, I feel famous having a stranger take my picture" My smile fades away as I look over to Lucas with a dead stare, "Something wrong princess?" I flush out of embarrassment and walk to the guest bedroom Lucas had prepared for me. 

I close the door and sigh, what am I doing? My best friend is missing and here I am fantasizing about some narcissistic boy. I do have one mystery solved though, that text I got a while back must've had to do with this. I knew it wasn't a big deal, someone texting me saying they 'know something' is most likely them assuming I have a relationship with Lucas. If this got out to the paparazzi, I'll have no problem denying it, he's just a friend. Just like Ezekiel. A few pictures are not going to mean anything. 

As I'm about to turn in for the night, I hear a knock on the door, "Princess? Are you asleep?" Lucas slowly whispered behind the door. "No, what's the matter?" I opened the door to face him, he changed into his PJs, silky black, and messy hair. I'm not sure what got to me but I found it to make eye contact with him. 

I looked off to the side as he let himself into the room. "I'm sorry about earlier, but we need to talk." he took a seat on the bed. "We are going to be in serious trouble if those pictures get leaked." I sat down beside him with a questioning look, "Why would those pictures cause trouble?" Lucas let out a deep sigh before continuing, "Well, to be more clear, we'll be in serious trouble if those pictures got leaked to my parents. You see, they are very big people." "Really? Who are they?" Now that I have thought about it, I don't think I ever got Lucas's last name.

"Ashbridge. My family, my parents own the Ashbridge incorporation, your family's biggest competitor."  

A/N: Long time no see, I won't lie, I forgot about Wattpad entirely. I'm sorry for the VERY VERY inconsistent uploads, I myself am very lost in this story because I started writing it about 2 years ago so it's going to take me a while to piece everything together again. Bye for now!! :)

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