Chapter 14

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??? POV

How long has it been... since I've seen light...

I struggle to get up from the floor, there are no visible injuries but my splitting headache and hunger feels like just enough to die from.

"HEY! Keep it down in there." A man standing outside the locker door yells, "I would if you'd offer me some food and water." I struggle to get those words out of my mouth, though all I've done is sleep, I have no energy left in me.

"The boss gave strict orders to not give you anything till you answer the question."

"Tell your boss I'm not gonna answer till I get some water."

The man sighs as a reply, looks like I won't be able to negotiate. I don't understand though, what's their motive behind asking me things about him? They clearly think we're friends when we're not... who exactly is he for someone to go through such lengths? My head aches at the thought, something is clearly going on behind the scenes, something that my family is involved in.

Athanasia POV

It's been a few days since I last saw Lucas, after our... date... he walked me home more like walked me near my house and told him to keep a safe distance in case my father or brother saw me but, it's basically the same thing. Ever since then, I've been too busy to hang out with him, even during school, I'd think I have a free moment to go talk to him but something would come up. I let out a loud and long sigh as I put my head down on my desk, currently, I'm working on a presentation for school but I can't get it done because of someone else preoccupying my head. "That's it." I say to myself as I get up to find my phone, "If he's not going to text me then I will." I turn on my phone and stare blankly at the screen not knowing what to say,

Me: "Hey are you free?"

To my surprise, he replies only a minute after sending the message.

Lucas: "Depends... why are you asking?"

Me: "Answer the question"

Lucas: "I'm working at the cafe, I'm on break right now though"

Me: "Is it fine if I visit?"

Lucas: "Right now?"

Me: "Yea...?"

Lucas: "You could... or you can swing by in 2 hours before I get off work"

I smile, he wants to hang out with me after he gets off, he might just be saying that so I don't bother him when he works like last time but the thought that he might enjoy my company fills me with joy.

Me: "Alright, I'll see you then."

I spend the next hour and a half figuring out what to wear, in the end, I chose a long-sleeved flowy top with a button-up skirt. I walk out the door after informing Lily that I'm going out to a cafe to get some fresh air, It's about a 15-minute walk to the cafe but that time flies by, and before I know it I find myself in front of the cafe, I take in a deep breathe and go in to see Lucas giving a customer their order. I stand next in line so Lucas can take my order, "Hey, I'll have an iced coffee, with 2 shots of vanilla" I say as I take out my wallet, "It's on the house." Lucas says with a smile, I smile back, "Thank you." I reply as I take a seat by the window.

A few minutes pass by and Lucas is standing next to me with two iced coffees and cake on a tray, "I believe I only ordered an iced coffee." I say trying not to smile, "Ah, my mistake, I made two." He says as he takes a seat beside me, seeing how he's taken off his apron, I assume he's off work. "It looks like it's going to rain," Lucas continues, you'd have to squint but u can almost see the disappointment in his face. "We're going to have to take a rain check on our date." My cheeks burn, "Date?" I say struggling not to stutter and keep a neutral face, he answers with a grin, "Or we can stay in the cafe once I close it, and hangout here till the rain lets out" I turn my head away from him to look out the window so I can cover my blushing face. "Sure, I'd like that."

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